We're taking a break from new Featured Artists to highlight some older talents! More than 50 new songs have been added and new osu!(lazer) Featured Artists playlists have been published, so check everything out!
Before jumping into the song additions, we wanted to announce a new batch of Featured Artist playlists on osu!(lazer). In short, these are monthly playlists highlighting various Featured Artist songs with constantly changing gameplay gimmicks and nifty prizes.
The details for this month:
To participate, install osu!(lazer) from its GitHub releases page, enter the playlists section and filter the lobbies to Featured Artists in the top-right corner!
Anyway, read this wiki article if want more details. Let's dive into the new songs!
Here's how this works: click on an artist's name or banner to visit their Featured Artist page. All new songs are marked with a slick NEW icon!
We've listed out every new song below, along with a couple convenient previews per artist. If you're in more of a circle-clicky mood, we've also linked to any relevant ranked/loved maps!
Aiobahn kicks us off with Medusa feat. Cozi Zuehlsdorff from his Monstercat catalogue!
Making a legendary impact on this year's osu!taiko World Cup, both Akira Complex and onumi co-produced the Grand Finals tiebreaker Ethereal Cyber Angel XV. This demonic tune tested the whole drum smashing community, and now it's available for everyone else to dig into!
Neurofunk extraordinare Billian is back with his newest album Lands Unbreached, from which we've hand-picked these 5 songs. Boogie is waiting for its successor and somewhere among these songs is the chosen one.
In the same vein as Billain, Boxplot's new record Here & Now was released, and we've picked up a few of its tracks through drum & bass label Liquicity.
Another addition from the Monstercat discography, the classic track Porta Vista part of Hyper Potions' listing at long last!
Duplicity Shade was revealed as the Grand Finals tiebreaker for this year's 7K osu!mania World Cup! Featuring vocals from Sennzai and insane backing by HyuN, this song is one of the most engaging pieces of music you'll hear on osu!.
Conveniently, ranked maps of the song are also available in every mode:
While not a World Cup tiebreaker, Valley of Voices designed by Kurokotei and Kara (the organizer of HARDCORE UTOPIA) is still a treasure to listen to!
Lundy is criminally underrated, blessing osu! with a whole bundle of highly varied tracks that check every box a rhythm game player could ask for.
Drum & bass superstar Maduk is back again with a new batch of tracks from the Liquicity, including a VIP remaster of the osu! classic Ghost Assassin.
An unforgettable name in the osu! community, miraie returns with a duo of new tracks designed specifically for rhythm gaming (which, for an osu! player, obviously means osu!). Take a peek:
One more addition from the Monstercat discography, nanobii's rainbow road finally makes its way into our Featured Artist listing!
Famed for having created some of osu!'s most played beatmaps like Highscore and ILY, Panda Eyes takes us on a journey with a sizable collection of pure awesome.
Vocalist Risa Yuzuki provides exactly what every rhythm game player wants: breathtaking vocals atop instrumentals by the rhythm game scene's biggest producers like BlackY, Laur, and Feryquitous. Check out everything from her new album AMARTIA and a couple extras:
Maintaining the trend of collaborative Grand Finals tiebreakers, siromaru and D-D-Dice made a massive entrance in the osu!catch World Cup last week with their track Catch the Glory!
Anywhere you see Panda Eyes, you can expect to find Teminite closeby. We've lifted a few tracks from his new pirate-themed album Raise The Flag!
Providing the most authentic anime sound to osu! (while not actually being from an anime), Trial & Error is back with a new track available in 3 different lengths!
Arguably the most popular metal group in osu! alongside Imperial Circus Dead Decadence, UNDEAD CORPORATION has provided circle clickers with their newest album J.O.I.N.T., along with The Throne: this year's Grand Finals tiebreaker for major community tournament The Perennial.
Something is off. Do you feel it? You haven't received your twice-a-week dosage of Featured Artists yet.
To make up for it, we'll be releasing two Featured Artists this coming Wednesday! They won't include too many tracks each, but hopefully the double-dip will help you recover from such a devastating loss.
That's all for now, so start mapping and/or playing through the new Featured Artist playlists!
See you next week.
rainbow road! \o\ \o/ /o/