11 Jun 2022
New Featured Artist: Kanpyohgo
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Kanpyohgo

by pishifat

Kanpyogho shuffles into our deck of Featured Artists!

A professional in both hardware and sound engineering, Kanpyohgo (a.k.a. Kanpyo) is one of the few people whose love for waveforms includes both audio and electric circuitry.

Avid circle clickers may recognize Kanpyohgo from the stream jump–focused beatmap Unmei no Dark Side -Rolling Gothic mix-, having amassed over a thousand favourites and approaching 2 million plays since reaching ranked!

7 reinvented Touhou songs just like the one above are now ready for mapping from Kanpyohgo's Featured Artist listing!

If you're somehow unaware of the hype behind Kanpyohgo and his song Unmei no Dark Side, do yourself a favour and witness this Hidden vs. Hard Rock comparison video. After you're hooked, check out everything else too:

Unmei no Dark Side -Rolling Gothic mix-

Try any of these maps:


Mannen Okigasa ni Gochui o -Festive extended-

Play through this osu! marathon hosted by wring!


Tozaseshi Kumo no Kayoiji -Stormy Extended-

Check out this osu! map by Halfslashed!


If you're one of the countless Touhou fanatics who happen to click circles in their spare time, Kanpyohgo's Featured Artist listing is patiently waiting.

Whether you're looking for more Featured Artists or you just like clicking purple text, the @osugame Twitter is here to deliver. We'll see you next week with two more awesome talents joining our Featured Artist roster!



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I love touhou

surprised that im not more into touhou music tbh

giga coolio!!!


hd still better

every maps FAMoss touches becomes FA

still waiting for this to happen

ring of fortune (zekk remix)
potential curve

Yoooo Touhou Song

Touhou songs lets go!!!!!!!

i love touhou

Seiga Kaku Coeminals

I agree



