20 Apr 2022
New Featured Artist: Aethral
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Aethral

by pishifat

Aethral is prepared to blast eardrums with non-stop bass as our latest Featured Artist!

Sitting comfortably at the intersection between rhythm game music and the hardcore genre is Aethral. While his initial fame on osu! came from remixes of the Persona soundtrack, his original works have begun to take root in the osu! community.

12 of his spectacular tracks are here to stay. Check out Aethral's Featured Artist listing to experience them for yourself.

If you need some convincing, watch Monko2k play one of Aethral's songs from the comfort of his home setup:

Aethral - It's Boss Time, dude

Try out the map from the video above hosted by PaRaDogi!


Aethral - Victorious Journey

Explore this loved osu!mania map hosted by Nimis!


Aethral & Renko - Together


Aethral & Miss Lina - Luminescence


Need more Aethral in your life? Here's Aethral's Featured Artist listing. Go nuts.

Once your Aethral mapping adventures have met an end, we know you'll already be hungry for more. That's why we have another Featured Artist coming this Saturday, so visit the @osugame Twitter and brace yourself for whoever it could be.



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It's the Kimi no Kioku remixer. PogChamp

Victorious Journey is such a masterpiece

big boss aethral

Techcore 😎

wait so that means kimi no kioku is FA??

saoka xKaby

no. its not listed as one of the songs on the artist page so it is not one of the tracks that was licensed

xKaby saoka

i mean obviously sega wouldn't allow that

Based trails in the sky player

nice setup boy

electronic 🤢

camellia type beat

happy 4/20

monko's setup is so bright that I think it burned my retina when I scrolled down.





when is boss time dude

Production value of this looks sick

Boss video

ayy nice :D


ayy nice :D