by pishifat
If sweets could be transformed into music, Neko Hacker would be the world's #1 musical candy manufacturer.
Neko Hacker has one goal: to spread Japanese music around the planet, and with their self-proclaimed "kawaii future rock" featuring prominent guest vocalists like Such and Nanahira, they've been undeniably victorious.
17 adorable tunes begin their globe-spanning journey today from Neko Hacker's Featured Artist listing!
Talent like Neko Hacker's is best explained through experience. Witness how their song Kuishinbo Hacker translates to mapping through this video, then test your circle-clicking/drum-bashing/piano-smashing abilities by playing the beatmaps below!
Check out the map from the video above hosted by Snow Note or the first ranked Neko Hacker map hosted by Sylphi!
Try out this 4K and 7K osu!mania mapset hosted by Critical_Star!
Jump into this hyper-intense beatmap hosted by oyu!
Need some mapping motivation? After scrolling through Neko Hacker's Featured Artist listing, you'll be ready. Explore any of the songs and start your creative expedition with any of the super-convenient pre-timed beatmap templates.
The week has finished, but the Featured Artist train is nowhere near its destination. The @osugame Twitter will keep you up to date on our bi-weekly schedule of arrivals, so do whatever you want to do with that information and we'll see you soon!