by pishifat
my sound life steps up on stage as our latest Featured Artist!
Combining the efforts of highly renowned vocalist Chata and compositions from our very own solfa, my sound life is a high-tempo J-rock unit whose anime-esque style is exactly what comes to mind when thinking of osu!.
12 masterfully crafted tracks are ready for pickup from my sound life's Featured Artist listing, all conveniently packed in pre-timed beatmap templates!
Want a sample of my sound life's musical genius? Of course you do. Take a peek at this video showcasing lazer's aim accuracy heatmap to the tune of my sound life - omega, then listen through the rest of these sweet previews:
Explore the map from the video above hosted by Heroine!
Check out this recently ranked classic beatmap hosted by HanzeR!
If you've been skimming this article until now, you might've missed my sound life's Featured Artist listing (a.k.a. the place to find the rest of my sound life's songs). Go there. Start mapping.
If you're itching for more sounds in your life, check the @osugame Twitter this Saturday for our next artist announcement! This upcoming talent has been big on osu! since as far back as 2014, so we're pretty confident you're gonna like 'em.