by pishifat & Ephemeral
Dive into some new tunes with our latest Featured Artist, ZxNX!
With an established history of contribution to games like Cytus 2, Dynamix, Lanota and tons more, it should go without saying that ZxNX (pronounced Zuna for the curious) knows what's what in the sphere of rhythm gaming music. Creating hits since 2018, we're excited to make 2022 the year of their official introduction to osu!.
We've snagged 15 new tracks that showcase ZxNX's signature sound, which you can find in full over at their Featured Artist listing right this very moment if you're so inclined.
Don't just take our word for it though, check out the preview below to hear a sample for yourself, all set to the beatific beatmapping brilliance of the ever-talented Mappers' Guild:
Try playing the map from the video above hosted by Realazy or this osu!catch map hosted by Jemzuu!
Check out this osu!taiko set by Ph0eNiiXZ, or this osu!mania set by the very aptly-named FAMoss!
If you've been struck by the overwhelming compulsion to create beatmaps to anything you've just heard here, you're in luck, since everything is pre-timed and just waiting for your mapping ministrations over at ZxNX's Featured Artist listing. Go ahead, you know you want to.
Stay up to date with all the latest Featured Artist releases and just about everything else osu!-related by following @osugame on Twitter. Or just check back again on Wednesday and Saturday.
—pishifat & Ephemeral