by pishifat
Boom Kitty pounces into our Featured Artist collection!
That's right, all you fans of Geometry Dash and Beat Saber can finally put down your pitchforks. Self-proclaimed professional bass merchant Boom Kitty is here to stay with his fierce EDM soundscape!
Proven to be a perfect fit in the rhythm game scene, we've snagged a whopping 30 tracks for Boom Kitty's Featured Artist listing from his decade-spanning discography.
As an innovator in the EDM scene, it's only fitting that you experience Boom Kitty's musical talents through a quick video of osu!(lazer)'s editor innovations throughout the last few years. Once you're done with that, feel free to check out the rest of these previews below and start mapping!
Try the map from the video above created by elicz1 and Zelq!
Check out the osu!taiko map that introduced Boom Kitty to our community hosted by realy0_!
More osu!taiko? More osu!taiko. Hosted by Jaltzu.
Boom Kitty's Featured Artist listing has 27 more tracks pre-timed and ready for you to overthink in the editor. You'll need to pick through those yourself to figure out which ones you'd like to map, of course. Get moving already!
Congrats on making it through another week of music bombardment! The Featured Artist streak will continue next week with another two artists of course, so stay tuned for any details about that on the @osugame Twitter, and we'll see you in a hot minute.
This happened. Finally!