by pishifat
Nashimoto Ui seeps into our Featured Artist library.
If this is a familiar sight, you're already familiar with both pain and Nashimoto Ui.
The mind behind AaAaAaAAaAaAAa has officially joined osu! as of today, providing a solid 7 dark VOCALOID tracks for mappers to dig into. Pick up any of 'em from Nashimoto Ui's Featured Artist listing!
See what the hype is about with this slow-mo view of ciru's DT play on AaAaAaAAaAaAAa, then check out the rest of these tracks while you're here:
Try out this jumpy map hosted by Sotarks or this reading map hosted by Morrighan!
Play through this marathon hosted by Sylvarus!
Maybe try mapping this one yourself!
Did you know Nashimoto Ui's Featured Artist listing comes packed with pre-timed beatmap templates for the songs above and more? Obviously you did. And obviously you're about to look at the songs and find something to map.
Next release will be a double-feature for a couple more Monstercat entrants, so stick around the @osugame Twitter for news on that!
We'll see you Wednesday!