5 Feb 2022
New Featured Artist: Atavistia
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Atavistia

by pishifat

Traverse unknown territory with our latest Featured Artist Atavistia!

The musical equivalent of a divine raging tempest, Atavistia is a relatively new symphonic death metal group based out of Vancouver, Canada. The band has drawn inspiration from grandiose metal units like Wintersun and Ensiferum, lending to the classical Nordic sound that metalheads know all too well.

Split between their two major album releases, 6 epic marathon-length tracks are available in this bundle from Atavistia's Featured Artist listing!

Curious how the underground metal circuit intersects with osu!? Check out the video below comparing rhythm choices between osu! and osu!taiko beatmaps, then dip your toes into the other previews:

Through The Hollow Raven's Eyes

Try the maps from the video above for yourself:


The Winter Way


One Within The Sun


Your craving for stream-focused mapping is about to be satisfied. Step foot into Atavistia's Featured Artist listing for the perfect selection of blastbeats and symphonic metal in town. Satisfaction guaranteed!

While it's probably a given, we'd like to remind you that the @osugame Twitter is the best place to find news on our upcoming Featured Artists (including the next one on Wednesday!).

See you then!



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this is very nice

ask jeeves > altavista

oh shit

Let's gooooooooooooo

olimp olimp

Only Wintersun is missing



sheesh 😳

Man I love aether realm!

Cublics Karliah

so true itswinter

kano featured artist when

unexpected but wonderful

finally, wintersun is now a featured artist


played by frukoyurdakal

TheKingHenry Greenshell

this is why I love osu, right here

@wintersun fa when?

wdym isn't it right here

@cookie_tree this is huge


Hey that's me! Let's goooo



