30 Apr 2022
New Featured Artist: Mitsuki / RINYA
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Mitsuki / RINYA

by pishifat

Mitsuki (a.k.a. RINYA) rises to the throne as our newest Featured Artist!

Mitsuki flexes a mastery of complex composition, monstrous intensity, and everything else that makes a rhythm game song feel like a rhythm game song. With two features in Muse Dash and a bunch more here on osu!, he's a rising talent with an undeniable passion seen in each of his tunes.

Experience what we're talking about through any of the 7 tracks available on Mitsuki / RINYA's Featured Artist listing!

If you need some convincing, feast your eyes (and ears) on Mitsuki - Eeliaas through this mapper-focused showcase video, then check out the rest of these previews:

Mitsuki - Eeliaas

Explore any of these exceptional maps:


Mitsuki - tesseract

Try out this osu! map hosted by -Sylvari!


RINYA - Moonchild Toyvox


If you're not a mapper, you're about to become one. Mitsuki / RINYA's Featured Artist listing has pre-timed map templates for these awesome songs and more, so you have one less obstacle to face when setting up your first beatmap.

And of course, there's always more songs to choose from. Watch the @osugame Twitter for yet another artist drop this coming Wednesday. See you then.



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I like that a song has my name

lets gooooooooooooo

Wow Guys they really Got Mitski on here Awesome!

y0umu_ despacito1

No way the real mitski

flask sucks

Ascended Cubby

ikr cant believe this guy 😡


tilda Ascended

holy shit its the guy in the video!!!

no way 7.27 star beatmap wysi


CyberSylver Strategas

No More~ No More~ No More~ No More~ No More~ nNo nNo More~ No More~

tity Strategas
