15 Jan 2022
New Featured Artist: satella
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: satella

by pishifat

satella makes a grand entrance as the latest addition to our Featured Artist collection!

satella is a bit of an anomaly in the rhythm game composition scene. While he's an expert when it comes to complex electronic works (as you'd expect from anyone in the scene), he's also exceedingly talented in the realm of emotional orchestral works.

We've snagged 12 tracks covering a healthy mix of both of those musical worlds, all available from satella's Featured Artist listing!

A few of satella's tracks also include vocal performances by Aitsuki Nakuru and Sennzai, including the map that introduced satella to osu!: Irith mapped by Sakura Airi. Experience the beatmap and its complementary storyboard through the video below, then check out a few more song previews:

satella feat. Aitsuki Nakuru - Irith

Play through the map from the video mapped by Sakura Airi!


satella feat. Sennzai - Thophia


satella - Inverter


satella - Anima feat. An


You're alone in the woods. You hear a rustle in the bushes behind you and a chill runs down your spine. As you twist your neck, you see satella's Featured Artist listing standing directly behind you. You're not sure why, but you have an uncontrollable desire to click it and start your next beatmap using one of its pre-timed beatmap templates. You have no other options.

One more artist is scheduled for this week! The @osugame Twitter will have all the details once it's announced, so keep an eye on it. Or wait for one of the countless Discord bots to notify you about osu! news posts. Either way you'll be spammed with new music.

Anyway, see you soon!



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satella? i barely even sa-know her!

Vare gothicwvlff




satella rium

SkyLitz jiwatomo

Kano+Satella Kanatella



This is POG indeed

ok cool but when misoilepunch fa that would be dogcramp

Sakura airi <3

satella - Inverter

Top music!
and so we wait

This is HUGE

bewitching artist


Lince Cosmico Sakura Airi



Oh yes

TUYU F- actually it's not even funny anymore

epic man 2 Farfocele

The oral cigarettes fa

Farfocele epic man 2

first question - probably, it depends

second question - it's not a question but i hope it happens

wait, ONE MORE artist THIS WEEK??????? OMG osu


A bit sad that Remulia/Pathfinder aren't in here and there aren't a lot of trance/electronic stuffs...



I would've loved to see Cloudpost and Emerald on here, those songs are WAY too good


yeah those are great!! i know satella from escapism album

woah that is a SCOER set i missed out on, added to backlog


woah that is a SCOER set i missed out on, added to backlog