7 Sep 2022
New Featured Artists: Nitro Fun & Rezonate
by pishifat

New Featured Artists: Nitro Fun & Rezonate

by pishifat

A duo of Monstercat talents have made their homes in our Featured Artists library!

Ultra-talented producers Nitro Fun and Rezonate offer two distinct takes on EDM.

Nitro Fun emphasizes literal fun through high tempo and high energy with a style that especially appeals to video game audiences, as seen through feature spots in Sonic the Hedgehog, Forza Horizon, and Just Shapes and Beats. Rezonate, however, leans towards the side of pure relaxation, producing longer songs at lower tempos that evoke a sense of grandiose exploration.

A combined 6 tracks from both of these artists are ready for mapping! Take your pick from Nitro Fun's Featured Artist listing or Rezonate's Featured Artist listing.

Need some mapping inspiration? Take a peek at this duo feature video showcasing Nitro Fun - Cheat Codes VIP and Rezonate - The Phoenix, or play through some maps for yourself.

Check everything out:

Nitro Fun - Cheat Codes VIP

Try out this map hosted by xChorse as seen in the video above!


Rezonate - The Phoenix

Explore this osu! map hosted by Fursum or this osu!catch map hosted by Nanachii!


Nitro Fun & Hyper Potions - Checkpoint

Stretch your fingers to this 7K osu!mania map hosted by Elite Mapper Kawawa!


Rezonate - The Journey

Take one last adventure through this osu! map hosted by Fursum.


As of today, we've officially hit 300 total Featured Artists! Celebrate this awesome milestone with one of the songs from Nitro Fun's Featured Artist listing or Rezonate's Featured Artist listing (which come in pre-timed beatmap templates, by the way).

That's all for today's double release! Keep an eye on the @osugame Twitter for anything and everything circle-related, along with our next Featured Artist.

Stay tuned.



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x🐴 pog

holy shit free discord nitro for feature artist which despite not making sense makes so much sense?!?!!?! finally, something that we all agree on!!! (by "agree" I mean me being a delusional with lame jokes, I'm just that worn out with comedy)


Windows Me Tactix


Classic bangers


With how few songs are included, I honestly can't get really hyped and it's somewhat demotivating since this basically means they don't want those excluded songs to be used in this game. I know that can't really stop me from mapping those songs but I think that kind of ruins the point of featured artists.

Fractured Xnery

Licensing is a bitch, ain't it? Stuff could be exclusive for other games or media which is why we get screwed despite acting in good faith. Could also be money issues (either one asking for too much or one having too little) so they try to get only the most popular songs to prevent them from being used exclusively elsewhere.

Niva Fractured

yeah, and aside from the fact that licensing isn't as simple as many people think there are two other major factors to be taken into consideration here :

a)) osu!'s budget is ultimately not infinite, and

b)) osu!'s partnership w/ Monstercat is unlike any other FAs out there in which -- instead of dealing with the artists directly -- osu! is much more involved with the *label* (who holds the distribution rights to many of the songs) in this case

given that (according to this newspost) there will eventually be 100+ songs in the Monstercat FA listing, and that as of now their listing only features 64 songs, it's safe to presume that osu! prefers to have their resources be spread among many artists and/or be spent on other (more prominent) Monstercat releases

one thing for sure however is that there will still be more huge Monstercat-related FA drops coming up in the future tho, so stay tuned for that :)

tity Fractured

i mean they were doing good with tokyo machine etc what the hell happened here

can't wait for bossfight's fa update to be the most underwhelming shit cause his entire discography deserves to be here




epic man 2 epic man 2

also god checkpoint is so nostalgic omggggg

7 de setembro

i've literally wanted a set of new game since the song came out



Two of my favorite Monstercat artists, lets goo

8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, fight!

first, also let's go for 300 featured artist

edit: i mean second


