by pishifat
A duo of Monstercat talents have made their homes in our Featured Artists library!
Ultra-talented producers Nitro Fun and Rezonate offer two distinct takes on EDM.
Nitro Fun emphasizes literal fun through high tempo and high energy with a style that especially appeals to video game audiences, as seen through feature spots in Sonic the Hedgehog, Forza Horizon, and Just Shapes and Beats. Rezonate, however, leans towards the side of pure relaxation, producing longer songs at lower tempos that evoke a sense of grandiose exploration.
A combined 6 tracks from both of these artists are ready for mapping! Take your pick from Nitro Fun's Featured Artist listing or Rezonate's Featured Artist listing.
Need some mapping inspiration? Take a peek at this duo feature video showcasing Nitro Fun - Cheat Codes VIP and Rezonate - The Phoenix, or play through some maps for yourself.
Check everything out:
Try out this map hosted by xChorse as seen in the video above!
Explore this osu! map hosted by Fursum or this osu!catch map hosted by Nanachii!
Stretch your fingers to this 7K osu!mania map hosted by Elite Mapper Kawawa!
Take one last adventure through this osu! map hosted by Fursum.
As of today, we've officially hit 300 total Featured Artists! Celebrate this awesome milestone with one of the songs from Nitro Fun's Featured Artist listing or Rezonate's Featured Artist listing (which come in pre-timed beatmap templates, by the way).
That's all for today's double release! Keep an eye on the @osugame Twitter for anything and everything circle-related, along with our next Featured Artist.
Stay tuned.