by pishifat
Sink into the abyss where you'll find Tenchio, our newest Featured Artist.
As much as we want to describe Tenchio's sound as simply "math rock", it's so much more than that. Filled with harsh tones, distinct emotion, and an effort to achieve something new with each tune, these songs can't reasonably be contained by any pre-existing genre.
We have 14 complicated tunes prepared for only the most innovative mappers, all available from Tenchio's Featured Artist listing.
It should come as no surprise that these dense and complex songs have been most thoroughly explored by osu!taiko and osu!mania mappers. See how the two modes differ in interpretation through the video of Tenchio - skeleton (Lettuce ver.) below, then preview some other masterpieces:
Try out this scream-filled osu!mania map hosted appropriately by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH or this osu!taiko map hosted by skolodojko!
Test your drumming with this osu!taiko map hosted by Gamelan4!
And here's one more osu!taiko map hosted yet again by skolodojko!
I usually wouldn't (and probably shouldn't) reference myself in these news articles, but after listening to Tenchio's songs for the last few minutes, I feel an uncontrollable urge to start mapping one of their songs. If you feel the same, Tenchio's Featured Artist listing is waiting.
Anyway, that's all for today's release! This weekend we'll be cancelling out the terror that is Tenchio's sound with a cutesy J-pop artist, so stick around the @osugame Twitter for a healthy dose of emotional whiplash.