Celebrate spring with us on this new round of Project Loved!
To those who need a reminder, Project Loved hosts community voting polls each month to decide which beatmaps get added to the Loved category. All of the maps are chosen by the Loved Captains of their respective game modes. Each beatmap banner in this news post will redirect you to the respective poll, or you can view them all directly on the Project Loved forum here. The voting process lasts for 10 days, so don't forget to vote! You can read more about this project on the wiki page!
As usual, we would like to thank everyone for your participation in the February votes. If you would like to view the results from the previous round, you may do so by clicking the following links:
We'd like to take a moment to thank huu for his outstanding commitment and dedication, and for being an integral backbone for Project Loved during the past 3 years. He has decided to retire from his position as a coordinator while Hivie will replace him as a helping hand and continue to make things run smoothly.
From the Project Loved Team, we sincerely wish you all the best in your future endeavours!
Without any further delay, let's move onto this month's picks!
The osu! Loved candidates were chosen by DigitalHypno, Doomsday and Wixonater!
Lil Peep - Save That Shit by nezbite and BEA_SUBSCRIBE
105.96 BPM, 3:11 | 1.79★, 2.75★, 2.91★
description written by Doomsday
For the Captain's picks here at Project Loved, we try to strike a balance of popular maps, as well as culturally and historically significant maps in the votes each round. For this first nomination, we have a map that doesn't just have a huge following, but the biggest!
A change of pace in music taste, this set for Save That Shit has the most favourites of any set in the unranked category, with over 5,800 favourites. That is a truly mind-boggling number that even dwarfs some of the original bundled ranked mapsets! The opinions on the quality of this map among the captains are split, but should we be the ones to judge that? This song has clearly resonated with so many players, so we leave that decision to you.
So tell us, do you think that this set should be added to the Loved category?
Brandy - Cross Time by machol30
160 BPM, 2:28 | 2.67★ – 4.93★
The [FFFanatic] and [TEST] difficulties are not being nominated for Loved.
description written by Doomsday
It's time to roll back to a very different era in osu! history. Hot on the heels of an infamous 2007 map of the same song, this huge mapset for Cross Time !! is a collection of hard- to insane-level difficulties from 2009, created by some of the most iconic mappers of the early osu! scene.
Hosted by buraimaster1234 (the same Burai who has a slider pattern named after them), this set contains difficulties from mappers like DJPop, lesjuh, ignorethis, darrihuka, and many more. It's a gallery of some the most popular names from the old days, and each difficulty interprets the song in a vastly different way, in each mapper's distinctive style.
For those who appreciate the straightforward nature of old-school mapping, and the creativity of a wild era, You are bound to find something to love here!
PSYQUI - Hype feat. Such by FaiVillager
172 BPM, 4:40 | 7.29★
description written by Wixonater
Known in the Graveyard and Loved sections for well-crafted, difficult maps, FaiVillager lives up to this standard. At 7.3 stars and 172 BPM, this map is a mix of tech and aim control with high slider velocity, spaced streams and cut patterns throughout. All of these patterns mix for some non-stop, high-intensity gameplay.
This map is popular especially at highest level, with impressive scores from players such as Chocomint and Vaxei, and I hope to see more when this map hits the loved section!
Shiggy Jr. - oyasumi by SnowNiNo_
200 BPM, 2:13 | 7.33★
description written by Wixonater
A popular jump map in both solo play and tournaments, oyasumi is a pinnacle of aim. Falling at 7.3 stars, this map is filled to the brim with 200 BPM cross-screen jumps, with streams and bursts scattered throughout. With a length of only 2:13 the difficulty hardly lets up, leaving a challenging experience. SnowNiNo_ has many maps in the Loved and Ranked sections, and I hope to see this map get added to his repertoire!
Powfu - death bed (coffee for your head) (feat. beabadoobee) by Qiyana, jamesjan3 and Zhuosh
144 BPM, 2:40 | 1.59★, 2.44★, 2.76★, 3.49★
description written by Wixonater
After a stressful, tense week, sometimes it's nice to relax and lay down on your death bed. This low-difficulty set has a spread from 1.6 stars to 3.5 stars, and can help give that feeling, with a calm hip-hop vibe to play to. As Qiyana's first Loved nomination, I wish to welcome them to the category, and I hope you all enjoy!
Calliope Mori - Excuse My Rudeness, But Could You Please RIP? by ZevinLevin and too
124 BPM, 3:06 | 1.76★ – 5.51★
description written by Wixonater
A popular map for good reason, Excuse My Rudeness, But Could You Please RIP? is Mori Calliope's most popular song, and this map gives a chill way to enjoy it. Ranging from 1.7 stars to 5.5 stars, this set builds up into a fun alt-style map with high spacing and cut patterns. Despite the title of the song, can you please not RIP, but instead vote for this map to joined Loved?
The osu!taiko Loved candidates were chosen by -Kazu-, Boaz, Horiiizon, KuroKuroKuro and POCARI SWEAT!
ReeK - Multigenre Smackdown by Arrival, cdh, Cychloryn, Hivie, katacheh and Mew
160 BPM, 6:31 | 8.00★
description written by -Kazu-
Multigenre Smackdown, otherwise known as the EGTS2021 Finals tiebreaker is quite honestly one of the best showcase maps that shows every major gimmick the community has developed throughout the years.
It has everything from simple slow jams and tech slow jams, to normal tech + ninjas often used in high energy maps, fragmented wavestreams, yellow notes/barlines to indicate notes coming, 1/4 + 1/6 spam otherwise known as "nass mapping" in tribute to nananass who popularized this style, fast-scrolling patterns/streams to simulate forced HR and finally some double-BPM mapping.
This map truly has it all and definitely makes a huge effort in getting each gimmick represented to its utmost potential, making for one of the most varied maps in terms of skills required as is usual of ReeK maps.
That said, it wouldn't be truly an osu! history tribute if it didn't had the 727 meme on it, even if borrowed from our osu! mode neighbors, to challenge all who reached all the way to the end, making for one of the most contended maps with regards to who will get the least amount of misses (or even reach the FC!).
Good luck to all who will try this map, as it sure packs quite a punch on it.
breakchild - SWiTCH DAT by Horiiizon and HiroK
190 BPM, 2:06 | 6.33★
description written by -Kazu-
Both HiroK and Horiiizon are well-known mappers that have developed their craft throughout the years and SWiTCH DAT is proof of their high skill level when it comes to mapping.
This beatmap features concepts very popular nowadays which are quite usual in the hyperpop genre, with patterns being constantly shifted with SV usage to increase the reading needed to clear this map. Although the map is just slightly over 2 minutes long, it really feels a lot shorter due to how these two manage to keep patterns fresh even though the song itself is repetitive to a certain degree.
In this regard, it's definitely one of the best reading maps out of the bunch, which is also both difficult and quite friendly for people who are getting into this SV madness. With that, make sure to check it up!
Camellia feat. Nanahira - Bad Sweets, Bad Dreams by katacheh
220.44 BPM, 2:04 | 5.81★
description written by -Kazu-
Wow, katacheh really outdid himself huh...
Well. We're totally speechless at this map honestly, it's just one of these things you have to experience yourself.
In any case, the mapper's name speaks for itself when it comes to guessing what kind of map this will be, except this really is two or three steps higher than your usual kata gimmick, because it's probably one of the craziest maps we've seen.
Just make sure to play with the beatmap skin on and delight yourself with this one!
TJ Davis - Super Sonic Racing by Foxeru, Coryn and HiroK
165 – 330 BPM, 3:08 | 4.84★, 6.76★, 7.01★, 7.79★
description written by Boaz
This probably isn't the first time you're hearing Super Sonic Racing within the taiko mapping scene. This song most likely makes you think of difficult, bursty double-BPM sections like the ranked mapset by Hivie. Thankfully for less speedy players, this set by Foxeru and friends is so much more than that.
This set features 4 contrasting difficulties which all test a different kind of skill:
EVEBORY SUPER SONIC RACE by Foxeru is kind of your average Inner Oni with some enjoyable patterns, small streams and even some spicy ninja-finishers. This difficulty is perfect for players that just want to relax to the song or practice their Inner Oni skills.
EVEBORY SUPER 1/6 RACE by Foxeru is where this set gets interesting for the good players: it features a lot of 1/6 quad patterns including some longer 1/6 patterns. This difficulty is perfect for those who want to show off or practice their 1/6 skills.
Coryn's Mono-ish Race by Coryn is all about, you guessed it, mono-streams! This difficulty is ideal for players that want to practice their stamina or mono-streaming skills.
HiroK's All-Stars by HiroK is where this set peaks in my opinion. This difficulty includes perfectly executed double-BPM burst kiais, getting harder and longer patterns each kiai!
Are you ready for this all-stars race or would you rather stick with the regular one?
YOASOBI - Yoru ni Kakeru by Salieri, hoku and Pare
260 BPM, 4:19 | 6.39★, 6.65★, 6.72★
description written by KuroKuroKuro
First of all, we are very pleased to have Salieri back in the taiko community and to be able to put his very popular map on vote. Yoru ni Kakeru is a popular map that is often played in taiko multi lobbies.
Although the map is a little fast at 260 BPM, it is loved by players of various skill levels as a warm-up map because of its moderate difficulty level. You, the person in front of the screen who is curious, should also play... You *will* be captivated by this map and I sincerely hope the community will like it.
linear ring - Can you hear me? by Jakads
85 BPM, 2:17 | 6.49★, 6.49★
description written by POCARI SWEAT
Can you hear it? Again the ruthless stacks of notes slowly raiding your playfield. Here comes another super-slow challenge following Ukakuf Kins last month, linear ring - Can you hear me? mapped by Jakads takes standing in this month's Loved entry!
Jakads always has maintained a tremendous performance in almost every facet. It didn't matter whether it was playing the game or chart-making, and this map proved his chart-making sense stays strong on osu!taiko too.
Although there have been many super-slow challenges in osu!taiko, this beatmap may be a bit hard to contest. A fast pattern speed despite the slowness of SV will be the one thing you'll struggle with. Will you be able to deal with this kind of a low-SV challenge?
By the way, there's a non-low-SV version too, so don't worry if you're not okay with low SV!
Chiitan feat. Hatsune Miku - Francium by -[ ix Ishida xi ]-
180 BPM, 2:56 | 6.36★
description written by Horiiizon
When it comes to typical gimmick maps, you know roughly what to expect before playing it — wavy SV, barline gimmicks and abekobe-style patterns — however Francium by -[ ix Ishida xi ]- is anything but a typical gimmick map.
From start to finish, Francium is a very unconventional challenge, featuring chaotic SV, challenging finishers and brutal 1/6 (and occasional 1/8) patterns. Francium flips mapping traditions on their head, creating an atmosphere where it's hard to find anything conventional (which is very true to Ishida's style of mapping).
Despite this, Francium makes for an incredibly engaging and fun map that feels very rewarding to learn and play!
Retractable - Eye of xxxx by 4sbet1
145 BPM, 2:33 | 7.26★
description written by Horiiizon
Eye of xxxx is a name those of you who follow the Global Taiko Showdown tournaments will most likely recognise, as it was used as NM3 in the Grand Finals of the 4v4 edition of the Continental Global Taiko Showdown this year.
As you might expect for a tech map in the Grand Finals of one of the hardest tournaments around, Eye of xxxx is very difficult. The entire map consists of constant changes from 1/4 to 1/6 to 1/8, and the beginning and end of the map are especially tough, containing far longer and much more complex patterns which are sure to challenge even seasoned tech map players!
The osu!catch Loved candidates were chosen by Sartan, Spectator, Tenshichan and Wesley!
siinamota feat. Hatsune Miku - Sore wa Mahiru no Suisei (Chroma gochapon remix) by rinkiha
202 BPM, 4:43 | 9.02★
description written by Wesley
rinkiha's making their first appearance in the Project Loved with Sore wa Mahiru no Suisei. They've made quite a few maps over the last few years, but I personally think (and a lot of you as well looking at the playcount) think this map stands out the most due to the sheer difficulty.
If you're looking for a challenging map that won't give you any training wheels to even just pass, you have found the perfect map! The map is **stacked** with zig zags and most importantly, anti-flow! And I don't mean that lightly, I think it is safe to assume at least 50% of the map has at least some sort of anti-flow pattern giving you the perfect map if you ever wanted to get better at that.
As mentioned before, this map really does not give you any training wheels with both HP and AR being 10, meaning one small mistake and you are out!
Turn on the No Fail, give this map a spin and hope you can master all the anti-flow patterns.
Various Artists - Dan ~ CTB ~ 3rd Pack by Emiru, Minato Yukina and Spectator
120.6 – 300 BPM, 13:35 | 8.34★ – 10.43★
description written by Sartan
Right. Here we offer you once again the once-in-a-lifetime chance to drastically improve your osu!catch skills through this amazingly well-put-together dan from none other than Emiru! You kind of know the drill by now, right? Dans are maps made to specifically train a single skillset, and this one is focused on your endurance — a marathon pack.
Now don't get me wrong, I am honestly not underestimating you, my dearest reader of this description, but this one is for skillful peeps only. The maps range from 8.34 stars to a whopping 10.43 stars, and that's a tough pill to swallow by most of us mortals. However, if you fall in the category of people who are able to move their fingers at lightspeed for ridiculous amounts of time, then this hour-ish-long dan will be an absolute blast for you.
Most of the time I would recommend you to first check out the map and then vote, but maybe not this time, because of the fact that you might actually forget to vote after an hour of playing this dan. Just follow your heart and vote!
An - Catanoph by Lavender and Yumeno Himiko
191 BPM, 3:46 | 5.51★
description written by Spectator
Being picked for the Quarter Finals NoMod mappool of CWC 2017, Yumeno Himiko managed to show us how to excellently map DnB. The mapping style is clean, and at the same time nostalgic because the mapping style is straight from 2017. Hopefully this map could be a good practice map for 3-digit players who are getting used to catch maps!
LUZE * Emew. - Unmeiron by Bunnrei
170 BPM, 2:20 | 10.04★
description written by Tenshichan
Are you a skilled player and are you looking for something tough to challenge yourself on? Might just have the right map for you then. The mapper, Bunnrei, is known for their really hard and challenging beatmaps that only a handful of people can do well on. Unmeiron is one of them.
The map consists mostly of fast wiggles that test your speed and stamina, while throwing difficult patterns at you. And if that is not enough, a tough hyperwalk section awaits you at the very end, where you might die if your reading isn't good enough. If you think you have what it takes, go ahead and try it!
The osu!mania Loved candidates were chosen by _underjoy, -NoName-, kadoen, Paturages, Penguinosity, RandomeLoL and stupud man!
Rissyuu feat. Choko - Paa ~PaPaPaPaa ver~ by Tidek
128 BPM, 1:59 | 2.45★
description written by Paturages
If you ever wanted to bully your local SV player with a map, here's the one!
Tidek, while profusely apologizing for this song choice, brought us this custom-mapped gem from the 5th instance of the Polish 4K national tournaments! Dear God, have mercy.
Thankfully, the map places itself at a respectable and affordable entry level for players who are looking to get into the skillset... which means you may not have to listen to this song too many times to grind a good score! Challenge time: can you do it without music?
Please do not cast your vote entirely based on song choice, but do give a chance to the map itself! Tidek has been a continuously reliable source of high-quality maps on all skillsets involved and is a seasoned name in the Loved roster — this would constitute their 6th Loved map!
Camellia - Break The Silence by [Crz]Crysarlene
220 BPM, 4:26 | 5.61★, 5.64★
description written by _underjoy
As an expert in the long notes field, both playing and mapping wise, [Crz]Crysarlene is able to create the finest charts, and Break The Silence is a great example of his earlier technical style that has developed throughout the years.
This is not your standard long note map. It is filled with different kinds of bursts and jacks, as well as difficult releases, that work very well with the overall LN patterning and pacing of the song. It was a kind of an experimental work back in 2019, and it has been refined later on. Right now it stands as a good mark of Crysarlene's general mapping style.
If you want a quality and difficult LN chart in the Loved section, look no further and vote for Break The Silence!
Ryu* feat. kradness remixed by Quarks - CRITICAL LINE (Quarks Remix) by PianoLuigi
170 BPM, 4:39 | 4.46★, 5.36★
description written by -NoName-
We finally introduce PianoLuigi to the Loved voting with his chart of CRITICAL LINE (Quarks Remix)!
The EXTRA difficulty is filled with simple LN patterns designed to be as comfortable as possible. For those who don't like LNs at all, the INSANE difficulty is nearly a copy of the top difficulty, except most of the LNs have been replaced by rice notes, and the overall LN density is reduced significantly.
This set is designed to be as straightforward as possible to play. It's easy to vibe to the song while playing this, as there aren't any parts in this set that are overwhelming at all.
Considering previous testimonies of players in the comment sections, we are certain many of you will enjoy PianoLuigi's set. Make sure to cast your vote to get this set into the Loved section!
TamaDo - Triumphal Return by [Paw]doudou0310
136.51 BPM, 2:20 | 6.16★ – 7.68★
description written by _underjoy
Chinese mappers are well-known for mapping chordjacks, mostly because many of them are actually good at that particular skill. One of these mappers is doudou0310, whose maps have always been a solid challenge for chordjack enthusiasts. Triumphal Return is perhaps his most popular work.
The approach to the 260 BPM infamous BMS boss song is quite different than one would expect. Instead of blistering streams, we get a neat package of dense chordjack with comfortable patterning. While repetitive, it changes a bit in the middle and at the end of the map — these are its hardest parts, on top of the actual stamina needed to perform these patterns consistently. The uprates make the chart especially good for density control training and competitive purposes.
Considering this type of chordjack is popular among many players, we knew that this was only a matter of time before this chart got into the voting. Be sure to give doudou0310 a warm welcome into the Loved section!
Fudanshi Crisis - Scarlet Tempest by Shoegazer
165 – 231 BPM, 2:30 | 3.73★ – 5.01★
description written by Penguinosity
Shoegazer's returning to the Loved poll this month, with their highly regarded chart of Scarlet Tempest!
To anyone who's unfamiliar, Scarlet Tempest is a very ergonomic speed-based map, and knowing Shoegazer's style I think it also goes without saying that the chart uprates without a hitch. If there's one thing that I think everybody can attest to in April's charting ability, it's the knack for knowing how to pattern things in a way that leads to comfortable transitions into just about any rate.
Just to break down a bit on how this map plays out, at 1.0 you'll be dished out some 247 BPM single streams. Surrounding these sections however, are plenty of breaks that will ensure players won't be getting too tired out. It's also worth mentioning that the last leg of the map mixes it up and works in a few longer LNs which have the potential to cause unsuspecting players to choke I would imagine.
That's about all I have to say, but as always we would like to just give our thanks to Shoegazer for being as hardworking as she is in every facet of the community for so many years now.
Frums - one of none by aeoliancarp
120 – 156 BPM, 1:57 | 4.19★ – 5.27★
description written by RandomeLoL
March is the month that will mark the debut of aeoliancarp (a.k.a. VisD) in the Loved section, with none other than Frum's one of none! A unique chart of its own, which accompanies the song's title quite well.
After being featured in 2021's Mania World Cup Ro16, the chart has gained quite a good degree of popularity — well deserved popularity if I do say so myself. Its use of unorthodox anchor control plays extremely well with the track, making it quite a fun experience to go through. Do expect rather technical patterns, with a speed-up by the end. Overall, the entire chart is fun to play at any given rate, so choose your poison!
VisD has mainly been known for their chart catalogue over in Flash Flash Revolution. But over the course of a year, after tipping their toes in the osu!mania mapping community, they've managed to get themselves a good, supportive backing! one of none is what we, the community, have seemed to end up liking the most. We hope for this to make justice to this amazing chart of his!
Camellia feat. Kagekiha Gakusei - Lowermost revolt ("Jeremiad" Long ver.) by FelixSpade, ChocoCoki-, eZmmR, nayuu, Onta_Bekasi, Virtue- and XDerbyX
219.2 BPM, 5:31 | 4.88★ – 9.31★
description written by RandomeLoL
At last, after being made by a well-tailored selection of Indonesian mappers, Camellia & Kagekiha Gakusei's Lowermost revolt is finally getting under the spotlight in the Loved section! And while FelixSpade and eZmmR aren't new to the scene, ChocoCoki-, nayuu, Onta_Bekasi, Virtue-, and XDerbyX are all making their first appearance in this multi-keymode mega collab.
On the 4K Side of things, we have Felix's Rebellion and Rebellion Cut, nayuu's makar, Choco's Insurrection, and Virtue's RE : E[V]OLUTiON- (Or Re:Evolution for simplicity sake). Each difficulty takes its own, original twist!
In order of difficulty, Rebellion offers quite a fun assortment of hybrid-dump patterning. Definitely a go-to if you wish to put your own rates in! Makar is way more rice-oriented, but do not be fooled by the lack of long notes as it still poses a big challenge of its own. Insurrection is your go-to difficulty if you're looking for something LN-oriented. And finally, Virtue will debut with the final challenge: Re:Evolution. You can expect everything in this difficulty, including SVs. Not for the faint of heart.
For the 7K fans, eZmmR and Onta's Impending Judgement will be your go-to difficulty! This will be a test of speed, stamina, reading, and endurance. We can only wish you the best of luck on the denser segments inspired by BMS sabuns, you'll need it.
Finally, we have Derby's 10K take on Lowermost revolt with their Inseparable Wretchedness difficulty. This will be by far the hardest one to come by. The ultimate challenge if I might add. And for those few fans of high-end 10K charts, this will definitely be the chart for you! Expect a mixture of rice and LNs, so even if you only choose this difficulty, it will definitely contain everything you could expect. Have fun!
We hope that this mapping team's efforts appeal to most of the community!
Various Artists - tyrcs' 6K Collection Pack by tyrcs
120 – 270 BPM, 4:11 | 4.93★ – 9.21★
The [(Marathon) - Delete upon download] difficulty is not being nominated for Loved.
description written by -NoName-
tyrcs debuts to the Loved section with tyrcs' 6K Collection Pack!
If you're wondering about the low play count and favorite count, it is because this is a compilation of hand-picked charts from his well-known 6K practice packs. The charts in this collection pack are some of the best and/or the most popular charts from his practice packs which garnered significant attention over time.
tyrcs made 20+ packs of 6K charts over the years, and it is time for them to be recognized. Cast your vote so that he can finally enter the Loved section!
Swordy - I found this in my trash can. by LostCool
150 BPM, 3:29 | 9.00★
description written by stupud man
Thai 7K legend LostCool is returning to the Loved section with a quite dense, but fun LN map!
We all know LostCool for previous nominations to the Loved section such as Deep in Abyss, which provides relatively straightforward O2Jam-styled patterns that have been enjoyed by many since its nomination.
Our current nomination, I found this in my trash can., aims to provide a similar fun experience with a very meme-loaded song choice. But don't worry! Despite the meme-heavy song, no such memes appear in the patterning of the map. The LN streams and occasional flams flow quite nicely, and makes for a very enjoyable experience (if you can handle the density of course).
Whether you enjoy fun mashups or not, you're bound to enjoy the fun patterning this map provides. Make sure to cast your vote and add it to the Loved section!
Various Artists - la's 10K -SUPERMUG- by SK_la
105 – 200 BPM, 5:51 | 2.19★ – 6.52★
description written by kadoen
Here's another one for the octopuses among you!
It's been a while since we've had a 10K nomination, so here's a diverse pack for you to feast on. This is one of SK_la's compilations of maps, including a variety of difficulties, from a relatively approchable 2-star to the insane 6-star. Additionally, most maps in this pack have a sprinkle of LNs thrown in there, for the extra coordination spicyness.
SK_la was previously featured in Loved with their GD on INNOCENCE, but we thought they deserved a bigger spotlight for the great selection of maps they've produced. Now take out your tentacles and vote!
From everyone on the Project Loved Team, we hope you enjoyed this month's selections and are looking forward to the next! The favoured beatmaps will hit the Loved beatmap listing shortly after the polls end.
If you would like to submit maps to be considered for future votes, you may do so by filling out this form and if you wish to view currently submitted maps, you can check them on the Project Loved website.
See you next month!
10k gaming