by pishifat
Never Say Die Records provides a heap of new talents as the latest addition to our Featured Artist catalogue!
Calling Never Say Die a "Featured Label" would be a lot more accurate. Never Say Die is a record label from London, England, who's been proliferating the dubstep scene since their inception in 2009. With familiar names like Eptic, MUST DIE!, and our very own Zomboy on their roster, there's a strong chance you're familiar with something they have to offer.
9 new bass-pounding tracks are up for grabs from Never Say Die's Featured Artist listing, including the classic Cutline - Die For You (ShockOne Remix).
Words are dumb. Use your ears:
Check out this million-play map hosted by Katty Pie or the map from the video above hosted by Regou!
In case you missed our Zomboy Featured Artist announcement, try out this other classic beatmap hosted by Shadren!
More songs from even more artists can be found on Never Say Die's Featured Artist listing. Should we call it a Featured Label listing? Probably. But we won't.
Completely shifting moods, the next artist we'll be announcing is an upbeat J-rock/pop unit. Keep an eye on the @osugame Twitter next Wednesday to find out who that could be.
See you then!