by pishifat
Pairing forces of stellar labels Liquicity and Monstercat, Koven climbs onstage as our newest Featured Artist!
Koven is an icon in electronic music spheres. This renowned duo is known by millions for all manners of EDM throughout the world and especially drum & bass here on osu!.
5 outstanding tracks are ripe for the picking from Koven's Featured Artist listing, all pre-timed and ready for mapping.
Experience Koven's sound for yourself through any of the previews below, or check out this quick video showcasing Koven - Love Wins Again alongside mod presets in osu!(lazer):
Play the map from the video above hosted by none other than Strategas!
Or check out this jump-oriented map hosted by Elinor!
Try this classic map hosted by Hobbes2!
We'd like to congratulate you for retaining the attention span to read this much text. As a reward, feel free to enjoy any of the beatmap templates on Koven's Featured Artist listing.
If new music is what you're after, the @osugame Twitter has updates on all of our new Featured Artists as soon as they're released. Check that out or repeatedly refresh the osu! home page until Saturday.
See you then!
wow epic