by pishifat
Shower your ears in the revolutionary sound of Allegaeon, our newest Featured Artist!
Proudly sporting a mix of technical, extreme, and melodic metal in each of their intense tracks, Allegaeon is an American band who's been slamming blastbeats for nearly 15 years to the tune of modern science-inspired lyrics.
9 songs. Alleageon's Featured Artist listing has them. Take a deep breath before diving into this heartrate-spiking noise.
Allegaeon made a name for themselves in the osu! community through Biomech - Vals No. 666 in Corsace Open 2021's semifinals tiebreaker. Take a peek at how that looked in the video below, then explore everything else that Allegaeon has to offer:
Ruin your fingers while playing the map from the video above hosted by Mazzerin!
If you prefer to ruin your fingers without aiming, instead try this osu!taiko map hosted by Crysally.
More revolutionary tunes can be found on Alleageon's Featured Artist listing, all conveniently timed in advance so you don't have to. You'll need all the help you can get with these songs. You're welcome.
If you're liking the amount of rock/metal we've been shoving down your ear-holes recently, you'll be happy to know that our next artist is in the same wheelhouse (albeit calmer than Allegaeon). Track the @osugame Twitter if you have trouble remembering our Wednesday/Saturday announcement schedule and we'll see you next week!
cool artist feature btw