3 Aug 2022
New Featured Artist: Hamu
by pishifat & Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: Hamu

by pishifat & Ephemeral

Experience a new world of emotive tracks with our latest Featured Artist, Hamu!

Founder of the music label Foxtail-Grass Studio, you might already be familiar with some of Hamu's work if you're a fan of the Touhou Project and its sprawling catalogue of fan rearrangements. Beyond that, if you've ever watched a stream from the tremendously popular Virtual YouTuber talents of Shirakami Fubuki, Sakura Miko and Minato Aqua from Hololive Production, you've likely heard some of his BGM tracks before, not to mention his role as the producer for a few of the aforementioned's original songs.

With an expansive and emotive sound, we're absolutely confident that you'll love what Hamu has to offer, so we've partnered up to snag 16 new tracks across his entire range, from slow meandering through moonlit vistas to head-bopping, high-energy J-Pop that'll get stuck in your head for the rest of all eternity.

Thanks to the crowned creators of the Mappers' Guild, we're also excited to showcase an all-new beatmap to get things rolling, played by esteemed osu! veteran Mlaw and corn connoisseur Woey IRL at COE2022:

Secret Clover

Check out the beatmap featured in the video above made by Heroine of the Mappers' Guild!



Check out this collaborative set hosted by Usaha of the Mappers' Guild!


Koi no Dilemma


Tantan Awa


Nemurenu Ukiyo No Tsukiakari


All of the above and exactly twelve more are available right this very moment over on Hamu's Featured Artist listing, so go ahead and make his sound the background to your latest creation, joining the league of esteemed Hamu-havers alongside a cat, an elite shrine maiden, and a sentient onion.

As always, make sure to follow @osugame on Twitter to keep up to date on all things Featured Artist–related and osu! news in general. You know where to find us!

—pishifat & Ephemeral


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hamood,hamood habibi

LosPedros scorpion1212131


Hamood habibi Hamood, Hamood habibi
Hamood habibi Hamood, Hamood habibi


Goum eg'ad men ennoama!
Goum eg'ad men ennoama!
Goum eg'ad men ennoama!
Ya Ahmad Hamadi
Ya Ahmad Hamadi

why did i forget to mention how shrek is literally there in the background at the end LOL

-Tooru- epic man 2

That'll do, donkey.

epic man 2 -Tooru-

Cool. So where is this fire-breathing pain-in-the-neck anyway?


W featured artist

cattleya featured YES





aint no fucking way HAMU

New Featured Artist : hololive IDOL PROJECT's Music Producer

fucked up bro

cutely licenses the music video for houshou marine - i'm your treasure box as part of a fa template

Ephemeral epic man 2

man i fucking wish


man i fucking wish