19 Jan 2022
New Featured Artist: Vansire
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Vansire

by pishifat

Vansire permeates both the Featured Artist library and your dreams.

High tempos and overly complex rhythms are what you'd expect from rhythm games, but we're switching things up today.

Vansire is an atmospheric indie pop band from the heart of the American Midwest. Their works started as amateur songs recording in their bedrooms, and have since evolved into popular songs with millions of streams (...still recorded in their bedrooms, basements, or living rooms).

Despite being more calm than the usual rhythm game fare, Vansire's music has undoubtedly become ingrained in osu! culture. We've snagged 13 tracks, all of which are ready to be mapped from Vansire's Featured Artist listing.

Curious what this deviation from the norm sounds like? Take a peek this video of Metamodernity and its leaderboard's #1 score featuring 3 mods, then traverse through the rest of these previews:


Try the map from the video above or an osu!taiko mapset, both hosted by wafer!


Every Time Around

Or check out this map also hosted by wafer!


That I Miss You

Experience this map hosted by wafer or another interpretation hosted by jschlatt!


Nice to See You (feat. Floor Cry)

Treat yourself to this map hosted by Mimari!


To finish up your circle clicking session, run through this compilation of Vansire songs hosted (yet again) by wafer!

Vansire's Featured Artist listing has every relaxing track above and more, all pre-timed and ready to be transformed into a masterpiece of dots and worms.

Hungry for more musical talent? The @osugame Twitter will keep you satiated with immediate updates on who's coming next. Stay tuned and we'll see you on Saturday.



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Vansire is so underrated. I never thought I'd see it on osu. I hope someone can make a beatmap for their song KW, one of my friends co-wroted that song so if it is ever created please tell!



NO FUCKING wayyyyyyyyufbdir

now this is a vibe



hosted by wafer




OMG pishifat ilysm this is my favorite singer of all time and now he is a featured artist



HakuYT HakuYT


Well deserved, Metamodernity is such a good song!

NO WAY VANSIRE!!! i love their songs, didn't expect them to be an FA tho!

although me luv epic sdvx rhythm game artist like missilepunch to become featured artist, i still has respect 4 osu! giving artist who i and many others dont know of the spotlite (haha t+pazoLITE). it also make aspireing mapper who dont want to map SUPER EPIC ELECTRONIC CHAOTIC 200BPM+ BEHEMOTH of a song have an easier time acquiring songs that they can and want 2 map.


super hype


I'm loving the map


huge W

one million spotify monthly godzamn

best fa ever

Mom I’m famous I made it in the FA video





wafer meepdos


played his maps when I was a newbie. Banger songs


Yo nice

Hoooo it's time for dream pop!!!

about time

wafer killed this one

Duskyui Akiyama Mizuki

can't believe osugame is promoting murder


can't believe osugame is promoting murder