by pishifat
Plum glissandos his way into our Featured Artist catalogue!
If high BPM piano melodies are your jam, you've got a friend in Plum. Plum's artcore-esque songs are packed to the brim with stream mapping potential, reminiscent of our very own xi.
13 tracks have arrived at your doorstep (assuming your doorstep is Plum's Featured Artist library).
Need a sample? _Epreus produced a map of Maelstrom specifically for this announcement to showcase the true potential of Plum's sound. See how a top player manages that 7 star beatmap, then check out the rest of the previews below:
Try this map from the video above hosted by _Epreus!
Play the piano to Plum's piano tune through this osu!mania beatmap hosted by TakJun!
More piano pieces are right on the horizon. Choose your favourite song from Plum's Featured Artist library, crack your fingers, and set your hands on the keyboard to start the next big stream map.
Once you're done mapping, mentally prepare yourself for even more music coming next Wednesday. Keep an eye on the @osugame Twitter for the announcement details, and we'll see you then!
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