6 Jul 2022
New Featured Artists: Rootkit & Grant
by pishifat

New Featured Artists: Rootkit & Grant

by pishifat

Two flagship members of the Monstercat repertoire sail into our Featured Artist collection!

Rootkit and Grant are both masters of their crafts. While Rootkit has a drum & bass throughline connecting all of his diverse tunes, Grant explores a number of electronic designs. Of course, both of their styles have already proven themselves to be perfect fits for the osu! community, through beatmaps like Rootkit - Against The Sun (feat. Anna Yvette) or Grant - Starship!

We're working with a lot of artists through Monstercat, some of which have bigger tracklists than others. Because both of these lists are on the slimmer side, we've decided to pair them together in this announcement!

That said, check out Rootkit's Featured Artist listing and Grant's Featured Artist listing for a total of 6 new song additions!

Too busy to play through some maps on your own? See how these songs translate to mapping through this quick video, then check out the other previews below:

Rootkit - Against The Sun (feat. Anna Yvette)


Grant - Starship


Rootkit - Do It


Grant - Weapon (feat. Baum)


As soon as you're ready to start mapping (also known as right now), sort through Rootkit's Featured Artist listing and Grant's Featured Artist listing! This two-for-one deal won't come by often!

In case you missed our Featured Artist Track Updates newspost, we've also launched a new round of Featured Artist playlists! Check those out in osu!(lazer) if you're at all curious about the long-term future of osu! (and maybe check out the @osugame Twitter if you're curious about the short term).

We'll see you on Saturday for another artist announcement!



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yoooo Rootkit, nice. Hope someone maps sth from his album "Recursion"

my fav song by rootkit is oh you, and my fav one from grant is are we still young

This is HUGE announcement tnx u

rootkit banger

Grant is good

WTF pog

why skins

amazing fa

Looks like the left mania panel is 1-2 frames earlier than middle panel, which is also 1-2 frames earlier than the right panel

super hyped to have Rootkit as an FA, definitely wish we couldve gotten more of his songs though. His newer tracks are really cool

ges Kron05

His newer songs were not released on Monstercat which explains why

but even then i think his non-monstercat stuff could be licensed as that happened with rameses b

but then theres tokyo machine who only got his monstercat stuff licensed rather than his more recent stuff lol

evaboy fa when

Extremely based

Where is Grant - Color? :c

tity Moko


wheres drop by grant 😿

ayyyeeee grant is here




hjey there's a mania map of straship

Rocket League



nice, another song to my never-ending list of mapping



the video starting with WOOOOOOO couldn't be more appropriate

