by pishifat
Origami Angel joins the fold as latest our Featured Artist!
Showcasing the cutting-edge state of pop-punk and emo music, Origami Angel are an absurdly talented duo who's renowned for having tons of different tempos and styles while always maintaining upbeat, exciting energy. In the last year, the osu! community has shown a massive upsurge of interest in the band, so it should be no surprise that they're here today!
We've picked up 17 tracks from the band, including a bunch from their newest GAMIGANG album and the entirety of Somewhere City! Check out the full list from Origami Angel's Featured Artist listing.
Ever wondered how many people recognize osu! out in the wild? The answer is a lot, especially if you're at a tournament full of dedicated gamers. Watch some Super Smash Bros. players attempt Origami Angel - The Title Track on a makeshift setup, then check out a bunch more maps to play for yourself:
Check out the map from the video above hosted by Mimari or this healthier alternative hosted by Jemzuu!
If you're looking for something easier, try this chill mapset hosted by SMOKELIND!
If that last map was too easy, this mapset hosted by top player Rektygon should be your next priority.
You need more maps. Try this one hosted by Altai.
Here's the most intense map of them all hosted by WashedUp Player and maxing out at 7.5 stars!
Origami Angel's Featured Artist listing has pre-timed beatmap templates for all the songs above AND a bunch more. If you've never tried mapping before, now's the time to learn.
That's all for now! The @osugame Twitter will be announcing our next Featured Artist on Saturday paired with another cool thing, so stay tuned.
Favorite FA since TYS, hit the mark with these boys