by pishifat
Take a break with our newest Featured Artist in love with a ghost.
Morning brightness shines through the blinds into your bedroom. You know you have to rise at some point, but the warmth of your comforter is far too enticing. You lay fully satisfied for just a minute longer before starting your day. Congratulations, you've just experienced your first in love with a ghost track.
French artist in love with a ghost is the last thing you'd expect to find in a rhythm game. Their songs are mainly gentle piano pieces with touches of jazz and other calm styles, yet despite being so far from the norm, their music has assuredly struck a chord with osu! players.
10 relaxing tunes. All available from in love with a ghost's Featured Artist listing. Soak it all in.
In case you've never done late-night homework assignments while listening to in love with a ghost on loop, explore this quick video of an interdimensional portal leading to a cute place and the rest of our previews:
Check out this map from the video above hosted by bongo!
in love with a ghost's Featured Artist listing has everything above and more, all packed in ultra-convenient pre-timed beatmap templates. If mapping has ever felt too intimidating, these songs are the ideal place to start.
It may be appropriate to slow down our release schedule to match in love with a ghost's vibe, but we have the uncontrollable urge to drown you in new music. The @osugame Twitter is where it'll drop next Saturday, so be there. Or stay in bed for a few extra minutes. We can wait.