19 Nov 2022
New Featured Artist: Crywolf
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Crywolf

by pishifat

We're proud to bring legendary artist Crywolf into our Featured Artist lineup!

Anyone who's searched for jump maps has likely come across Crywolf — specifically the classic Loved map Eyes Half Closed by Truzon. This tune is just one of Crywolf's many emotion-packed tracks, showcasing both the chill ambient and stirring electronic sides of his style.

6 of these one-of-a-kind projects can be mapped from Crywolf's Featured Artist listing!

This is one of those cases where the music speaks for itself. In case you're one of the three osu! players who still hasn't come across Eyes Half Closed, prepare for the best 2 minutes of your life before clicking on the video below, then check out everything else that's on the table:

Crywolf - Eyes Half Closed

Play through the classic hosted by Truzon or this Ranked rendition hosted by L3NNy!


Crywolf - The Home We Made Pt. II


Crywolf - Whisper (feat. emalyn)


Design your own masterpiece with any of the pre-timed beatmap templates on Crywolf's Featured Artist listing. (Even if you don't know how to map, any semblance of a beatmap with one of Crywolf's songs is automatically a masterpiece.)

Believe it or not, osu! is a rhythm game. Our next Featured Artist comes straight out of the rhythm game music production world, so look towards the @osugame Twitter next Wednesday if that's your thing.

Stay tuned!



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good luck

Listen to Oblivion Pt.1 and Pt.2!!!

take off your shirt and lay down

check engine ONE OK ROCK

right next to the pile of things we loved when we were younger

fk now people will know where my name comes from

ONE OK ROCK Akeruyri

where does it come from?

Akeruyri ONE OK ROCK

2015 Album Cataclysm, thought name sounded cool


its almost a month osu and u still hasnt annnounced about osu ctb change . UKW i quit osu

Absolute w


my life is now complete

osu is not a rhythm game, cease this slander

bizimzuzu Duskyui

man is right

dokuro_piko Duskyui

Nice meme




topoi is so hot

my life goal have been achieved

Indomi-chan NyanPotato

hi nyanpotato :)

this is massive



cry about it

Holy shit finally

"Believe it or not, osu! is a rhythm game. Our next Featured Artist comes straight out of the rhythm game music production world, so look towards the @osugame Twitter next Wednesday if that's your thing."
hype bois it's going to be owc 2022 gf tiebreaker
edit: wait no it's seatrus - exxtra judgement

I can hear the NyanPotato screams even without the stream audio lmao


Yo wtf

Eyes half open

I had a dream where Nekomata Master was FA today... And he also released his own game? i was checking the FA post.... Maybe if i memorized the song names in it i would tell you... He had a character where he was redneck and bearded wearing red... Or wait maybe his hair color was brown? But he was definitely wearing red
P.S: I've never seen Nekomata Master artwork before besides map backgrounds

justehomme Molly Sandera

I really hope one day FA

Topoi do be single tapping

the funny jump map's artist is fa wtf

it's a good song in general so

[[[[[[ ONE OK ROCK


i cried


i cried