14 Dec 2022
New Featured Artist: Satyr
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Satyr

by pishifat

Our Featured Artist collection has been missing one thing: Satyr.

You thought tech mapping was reserved for electronic producers like Camellia or BlackY. You were clearly wrong.

Progressive rock band Satyr brings a new type of complexity, showcasing unorthodox song structure and unconventional rhythms through metal band instrumentation.

5 uncontrollable tracks have been unleashed on Satyr's Featured Artist listing, each accompanied by a handy set of timing points.

You need to hear Satyr to truly understand what the hype is all about. Check out Topoi play through this brand-new map of Picayune, then look through the rest of what's available:

Satyr - Picayune

Check out the map from the video above hosted by metal mapping legend Blood9!


Satyr - Levitator

Or check out this massive mapset hosted by IllusionB featuring guest difficulties from flake, Zoli, Zetera, LMT, and ItsWinter!


Satyr - Bird

And be sure to explore this mapset that you're about to design from scratch.


Satyr's Featured Artist listing has a couple more masterpieces to sift through. And in case you were curious about our hint from The Roundtable in the last news article, someone was wearing one of this band's shirts:

We only have 3 more artists scheduled for this year! Keep your eyes glued to the @osugame Twitter for details on those (and everything else circle-related), and we'll see you soon!



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Blood9 FA

Pretty cool mol artist

kang satyr

I was gonna map bird for the showcase but it didn't quite work out. Once I'm back, I'll make a map regardless.

mol Zetera

Will be nice

never thought that you cant rock as a tech map. i mean chileans literally map anime op with ak74's style

also: fun fact for those that didn't know, osu (stable) does have stereo separation, be it quite faint, it is still there!

mol Theedoo


fun fact for those that didn't know, osu (stable) does have stereo separation, be it quite faint, it is still there!




seven hundred and twenty seven dollars


Pensatyr handal


metal mapping legend Blood9

You're god damn right

727 dollars

mol Chantii




do not mention The Number

mol Ephemeral


Papifernan3 Ephemeral

your mom

leg912 Ephemeral

i do not see it

GDBlack Ephemeral

what number

Never4Ever Ephemeral

@The Number

potato44 Never4Ever

This comment just made me lose The Game


This comment just made me lose The Game