The Spring 2022 season of the Beatmap Spotlights has come to an end — come check out the top 50 for each game mode, and vote on your favourite beatmaps from the season! Join us on the Summer 2022 season launch livestream as well.
Continuing the trend from past seasons, Spring 2022 playlists gathered nearly 2900 players either competing for fun or jumping on a grindwagon to gain this Rhythm Incarnate rank. Since the last season's Players' Pick turned out gripping for both players and mappers, we will be running it again this season — read on below for that and even more exciting new stuff!
Livestream? Yes, you've heard right! We will be streaming the Summer 2022 Season start over at our Twitch channel at August 7th, 16:00 UTC+0.
The stream will last for around 2 hours, and will serve as an introduction to the new season including things like the season gimmick and revealing the playlist A picks, commented by some of our curators.
This will be the very first time we've ever run a stream like this, so make sure to join us for the show if you're interested!
As stated before, the Beatmap of the Season - Players' Pick will be a regular thing from now on, combined with the Spotlights curators' picks, similarly to how it ran last time in the Winter 2022 season voting.
The results of both the curator and player picks will be announced at the launch of the Summer 2022 season of the Beatmap Spotlights, and the creators of winning entries will be awarded with 3 months of osu!supporter each. If you'd like to make your opinions known on the best maps of the season, this is the place to do it!
Check out each respective game mode's contest and vote today:
The voting will remain open for 7 days from the date of this news post, so make sure to vote in time!
Click here for the full leaderboards of every game mode!
Join us over at the osu! community Discord server and assign yourself a role to keep up with Spotlights changes and announcements, or visit the osu!dev Discord server to get involved and help us push this project even further beyond!
You can find out more about the Beatmap Spotlights on the osu! wiki.
See you soon along with the Summer 2022 season launch!
💀I'm not free yet but ok