by pishifat
Ensou begins a new phase of VOCALOID rock as our latest Featured Artist!
You might recognize Filipino composer/producer Ensou from one of the many maps for COMA — a song that swept across the rhythm game scene after its inclusion in Cytus. Unlike mainstream VOCALOID, Ensou also sticks close to home through Tagalog lyrics in most of his songs.
8 moody rock masterpieces can be found on Ensou's Featured Artist listing!
Check out some of these moody rock tunes for yourself through this showcase of osu!(lazer)'s argon skin for osu! and osu!taiko, along with previews for a few more awesome tracks:
Play through any (or all) of the maps from this video:
Follow your impulses. Pick up a song from Ensou's Featured Artist listing and start mapping immediately thanks to our ultra convenient pre-timed beatmap templates. You're welcome.
Another osu! classic is on its way to our Featured Artist collection. Surgically attach yourself to the @osugame Twitter if you want to be the first to know about it.
Stay tuned!