by pishifat
In collaboration with electronic music's leading independent record label, Monstercat, British producer Stonebank unveils a new chapter for our Featured Artist library!
Eardrum-shattering bass has been ringing in the heads of osu! players for years. The culprit, of course, is Stonebank.
Amassing millions of plays on iconic beatmaps like The Pressure and All Night, Stonebank's music is proven to resonate with circle clickers, and is now officially available for use in osu!.
6 of these undeniably catchy tunes are now available from Stonebank's Featured Artist listing, including the songs above and a solid chunk more!
Check everything out for yourself:
Play through the osu! map from the video above hosted by Asserin or this osu!mania map hosted by Voxa!
Explore this stacked osu! set hosted by Monstrata!
Try out this osu! map hosted by Fanteer!
Before we wrap things up here, you deserve a treat: a dive into the behind-the-scenes world of osu!'s Featured Artists.
Stonebank's official involvement in osu! is only possible thanks to help from visionary electronic label Monstercat. After months of working together, we're excited to deliver more than 100 songs to the Featured Artist catalogue, and Stonebank is only the beginning.
That said, you can explore the above tracks from Stonebank's Featured Artist listing, AND from a new Monstercat track listing. This second listing will be updated throughout the year with new Monstercat songs continually as we announce them through our usual Featured Artist posts!
If you don't want to miss any upcoming Monstercat artists (or any other artist announcements), keep watch over the @osugame Twitter. We'll see you on Saturday!
Let’s fucking go