19 May 2022
osu! Talk Event: Overcoming Obstacles
by DigitalHypno

osu! Talk Event: Overcoming Obstacles

by DigitalHypno

Mark your calendars, set your alarms, and join us for the first ever osu! talk event, where you can make your voice heard.

Unlike many events that involve guest speakers, this one is open for anyone to speak — all you need is a story to share. Each event centers around a certain theme, and for this iteration, all talks will have the theme of overcoming obstacles.

Here's a rundown of how the event works:

  • The event will last 3 days total, from May 20 - 22, 2022.
  • The speaker will use a Discord stage channel in the official osu!dev Discord server to give their talk.
  • Talks will be less than 18 minutes long. This is the maximum allowed length, not a goal to aim for — even a 3-minute talk can have massive impact.
  • The stories shared do not necessarily have to be about osu!, but because this is an osu!-related event, speakers are recommended to try connecting their story or the lesson behind it to osu! in some way.

Below is the talk schedule for the event, including the speaker's username and the name of their talk. All talks will be streamed live on osu! University's Twitch channel and uploaded separately to osu! University's YouTube channel after the event. You can also tune in live through a Discord stage channel in the official osu!dev Discord server.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Sign up for this event on Discord to be notified when it starts!

Time (UTC) Speaker Title
21:30 PandaPasBo "Why expectation ruins your skill in osu"
22:00 xootynator "xooty's left hand training"
22:30 Likean00b "When tournaments become a hindrance"
23:00 MakiDonalds "Break your walls before they break you"

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Sign up for this event on Discord to be notified when it starts!

Time (UTC) Speaker Title
11:00 IryN "Being hardstuck"
13:00 Axiqn "Focusing on weaknesses"
13:30 UserAlsoExists "The "play less" meta"
14:30 -Liability "Doubting yourself"
15:00 Astral52 "Opening the mind to have fun: How to build a less toxic mentality"

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sign up for this event on Discord to be notified when it starts!

Time (UTC) Speaker Title
18:00 cristi2708 "A perspective on switches and tapping techinques"
18:30 PruceStrats "Overcoming adversity in daily life"
19:00 -TunaSliders- "Using ideas from osu! to view life differently"
19:30 WaifuMaterial "Overcoming social anxiety"
20:00 chiv "The problematic state of osu! tournaments"

Join us this weekend for a hopefully inspirational event! Most importantly, be sure to spread the word to anyone you can. We know the folks in #general don't want to miss this.

The speakers were selected through a public speaker nomination form. If you believe that you or someone you know would be fit to give a talk in future events, please fill out the speaker nomination form. The same nomination form will be used for all future osu! talk events.

See you all soon!



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Absolutely fantastic event! I can't wait to watch the speakers I missed, and I hope to see more of this in the future. Would've really loved more than 48 hours' notice, though; tournament schedules weren't movable by the time I found out. :/

literally just play more

who wants to play csgo rn

zCri yamaro

watching the major rn

nice one habib

ooooo looks packed with all great subjects!

That's such a great idea, I can't imagine this going wrong whatsoever, totally!

caveman415 caveman415

ok but for real, I'm really looking forward to some of these talks




breh mol


yamaro mol


my grammar is bad

xooty's left hand training


Damn, that's such a good idea

chiv pog

ayyy I'm totally tuning in :D

Wow, I super love this! Good luck and have fun, everyone! :D Awesome initiative! I'm sure that this will bring some great knowledge and thinking for people!



kid named finger

“Overcoming adversity in daily life”

men will literally attend osu! Talk Event before going to therapy

Saturnalize squirrelpascals

They have that on sunday schedule

Seaweed squirrelpascals

a therapist can't teach me to stream 270 bpm

that's something only you can teach yourself, with hard work and diligence!

wow i can't believe this event is exist

breh Primakien

banger tweet

wrn81056398 Primakien

banger tweet

Hexas Primakien

banger tweet

the first Osu TED Talk

this but for mapping

I think the next talk event's theme will be centered around mapping, so look forward to that

Castagne Zetera

Why would this not be for mapping? It should be osu-related and mapping is so why not? You can even enroll yourself for the next round if you feel confident about speaking about a mapping-related topic.

Zetera Castagne

This looks like a player-centered discussion, excluding the latter third, correct me if I'm wrong

Pennek Zetera

i don't think there'd be any point to it. such a subjective thing to talk about

I think there's a lot to say about mapping in general and ranking process

Zetera Pennek

I for one like a collection of perspectives

P_O Zetera

That would definitely be even more interesting



wtf iryn osu

Look mom! I’m famous! No seriously though, thank you for having me! It’s such a pleasure as a small streamer and someone who’s been so close to this game to come out and talk about it. At the end of the day my main goal is to make others happy and help them. It shows how your rank doesn’t matter when it comes to leaving impacts on people so on Sunday I’ll give it my all! :)

-Blue21- -TunaSliders-


For some reason i literally misinterpreted that we will livestream osu! stream to OSU university, you know, Ohio State University?


epic man 2 Chompy



