by Ephemeral & pishifat
There's only one word to describe the sensation of knowing Ata, our latest Featured Artist: euphoria.
Esteemed scholars of the osu! multiverse will pick this clever reference out immediately and recall the yesteryear of 2019, where life was simple until one fabled beatmap by Ciyus Miapah (also known as Fort) challenged us to capture THE KING, all set to the tunes of... you guessed it, Ata's Euphoria.
Three years and 1.3 million plays later, nobody is really sure if we've gotten any closer to absconding with aforementioned royalty, but we are absolutely certain about our love for Ata's dark psychedelic sound (you can hear the bespoke Ata lead synths from a mile away) and the considerable number of beatmaps it has spawned, including a variety of graveyard classics such as "harder euphoria" which quite honestly, speak for themselves.
We've snagged 6 new tracks for you to make into the mapping masterpieces of the future and to continue the great quest started all those years ago.
Take a trip down memory lane, in case you've forgotten:
Check out this iconic osu! challenge difficulty by Ciyus Miapah, this osu!taiko challenge difficulty by Genjuro, this spotlighted osu!catch Hi-Speed Fruit Super-Highway difficulty by Kyptoric or this Loved osu!catch set that paved the way by Razor Sharp.
If you've ever thought that these tracks sound like they'd fit in a racing game, you're not alone. You should also be racing over to Ata's Featured Artist listing to check out everything that's there.
We're of the mind to toss out a hint for our upcoming mid-week release of our next Featured Artist. Yep. That was the hint. If you don't get it, check out the @osugame Twitter this Wednesday to find out in full, and you might just also stay in touch with all the latest osu!-related news along the way.
See you then!
—Ephemeral & pishifat
Hi-tech Psytrance enjoyers rise up :prayge