1 Oct 2022
New Featured Artist: Mono.
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Mono.

by pishifat

Mono. brightens the stage as our latest Featured Artist!

Japanese producer Mono. takes notes from two polar opposites: high-speed chaos found exclusively in rhythm games, and upbeat melodies in anime tunes.

To hear exactly how those influences slot together, explore 9 upbeat and densely packed tracks on Mono.'s Featured Artist listing!

Given the rhythmic complexity of Mono.'s music, it's no surprise that the osu!mania community was first to take on the challenge. Check out this multi-play comparison of ST4RDUST*XABER, then preview the rest of the songs below:


Play through the map from the video above by Crisper, or if osu!mania isn't your jam, try this new osu! beatmap created by _Epreus specifically for this announcement!


Mono. - Peaceful+Piece

Or experiment with this novel 10K osu!mania map created by Hugged!


Mono. - skip&step




Mono.'s Featured Artist listing has resources for everything you could possibly desire (assuming you can subsist on pre-timed beatmap templates for delicious music). Pick out a track and throw circles in the editor already.

J-rock is on the table for next week! Keep close watch over the @osugame Twitter for first picks with our next Featured Artist.

See you next Wednesday!



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not scenecore bruh

have fun

hey that stardust xaber map is pretty cool

PETIT SATURN isn't fa song smh,,,,,

next FA is my mom

next FA is Vanilla Ice

Right up my alley! :D

Now waiting for stereo

fortnite died


after ST4RDUST*XABER (mania mapset) got ranked, I was expecting this lol


mono but actually stereo


