by pishifat
Vocalist Annabel serenades our Featured Artist library!
It's safe to bet that everyone reading this has heard Annabel's soothing voice already.
She made her first major debut through singing the ending theme to "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai" in 2009, and her music has been a constant on osu! since as far back as 2011. Her solo works have just recently made their way to the forefront too, with maps like glimmer and lilac slumber paving the way for many more beatmaps to come.
Those additional beatmaps will, of course, come straight from Annabel's Featured Artist listing, where there's a whole 23 tracks up for the taking.
We know, we know. You're already in love with Annabel's music. For good measure though, watch through this leaderboard-climbing video of pedalnote, then explore the rest of the beatmaps and previews below!
Try the map from the video above hosted by Agatsu!
Check out this low-difficulty beatmap hosted by PandaHero!
Play through this full beatmap spread hosted by Lanzhu!
If you're up for a challenge, this immensely long marathon map hosted by Keqing might be right up your alley.
Relax with this beatmap hosted by SMOKELIND, this set hosted by mnyui, or this creation hosted by PandaHero!
Just head to Annabel's Featured Artist listing already. We don't need to do any convincing for music as perfect as this.
What's that? Did you say you want more music? If Annabel isn't quite what you're looking for, we have yet another artist planned for this Saturday. Stay tuned for that and keep an eye on the @osugame Twitter for all the details.