by pishifat
Desperate for more Touhou music? Innocent Key has it.
Back in the early days of osu!, Touhou arrangements were among the most mapped songs in the game, with Innocent Key standing at the forefront. A solid collection of Innocent Key maps reached the Ranked category between 2009 and 2011, earning maps like Lunatic Red Eyes and Wanna Be My Dream their well-deserved status as classic beatmaps.
Touhou arrangements are a cornerstone in osu!, and 14 outstanding tracks by Innocent Key are now officially part of the community. Forever. Check them all out from Innocent Key's Featured Artist listing!
Peeking into the history of mapping can be fun, but let's not forget about the current era. Watch this video comparing maps of the same song from 2010 and 2022, then investigate the rest of these classics:
Check out this old-school map hosted by termerys and this modern map hosted by Entry!
FAMoss presents the first ever osu!mania beatmap for Innocent Key made specifically for this announcement!
Play through this osu! x osu!taiko map hosted by orioncomet!
Attend this class led by Mafiamaster!
Hop between circles on this osu! and osu!taiko hybrid map hosted by orioncomet!
Celebrate with this osu! map hosted by Mafiamaster!
Play through the map that introduced Innocent Key to osu! hosted by Metroid!
Your last assignment: play this map hosted by PandaCath
If you don't want to map new Touhou tunes, are you really an osu! player? Check in with Innocent Key's Featured Artist listing to confirm if you're actually a circle clicker.
The last Monstercat addition of the year comes next Wednesday. Stay tuned to the @osugame Twitter for news on who's up next and anything else in the osu! universe.
lets go