25 Jul 2022
Changes within the Mappers' Guild
by pishifat

Changes within the Mappers' Guild

by pishifat

The Mappers' Guild is here to dish out some exciting news for anyone interested in mapping contests, Featured Artists, beatmap pack medals, and a bunch more!

Never heard of the Mappers' Guild?

A growing hub in the mapping world, the Mappers' Guild is a way for creators to earn rewards for mapping songs from osu!'s Featured Artists. In the last 5 years, the Mappers' Guild expanded to its own website and includes plenty of extra mapping-related opportunities!

This article covers the biggest changes to the Mappers' Guild since our last home page update. The topics are unrelated to each other, so feel free to skip around:

New beatmap packs and medals

It's been nearly 2 years since our last batch of beatmap packs and medals.

That's a long time.

To ensure medals are released with a bit more consistency, we've scheduled over 20 beatmap packs (with associated medals!) to be rolled out over the coming months. This includes:

  • Theme packs showcasing songs that follow certain song or genre concepts (like Touhou, Vocaloid, etc.)
  • Featured Artist packs showcasing beatmaps from osu!'s highly coveted talents (like xi, Aitsuki Nakuru, etc.)
  • Challenge packs that require completion of each mapset's hardest difficulty without difficulty reduction mods.

We'll kick things off with 3 new packs — one from each category above.

Touhou theme beatmap pack

Touhou theme beatmap pack medal

ginkiha artist beatmap pack

ginkiha artist beatmap pack medal

MUZZ challenge beatmap pack

MUZZ challenge beatmap pack medal

Upcoming beatmap packs and medals

"What about the rest of the packs?", you might be asking.

Future beatmap packs (and some top secret hush-hush medals) will be introduced periodically starting next month. Look forward to it!

You know those videos on the @osugame Twitter paired with every new Featured Artist announcement?

Those are created in collaboration with members of the Mappers' Guild!

Featured Artist showcase beatmaps so far have been coordinated with a hand-selected group of mappers, but we'd like to open that opportunity to more motivated mappers (such as you!).

How to participate

Want your own maps showcased on the @osugame Twitter and our new Featured Artist news posts? Here's what you need to know:

  1. Register on the Mappers' Guild website
  2. Mark yourself as a FA showcase mapper via the top-right menu
  3. Wait for a message from the mappersguild bot (these are sent in batches, so it may take a while to receive the message!)

Showcase beatmap requirements

The objective of the Featured Artist showcase beatmaps is to create hype for artist announcements and provide players a way to engage with them.

That said, there's a few things you should know before diving head first into this:

  • Upcoming Featured Artists are treated as sensitive information. Participation involves knowing details of upcoming Featured Artists, so you'll be trusted with confidentiality. If you break that trust, things happen. Bad things.
  • Showcase beatmaps have deadlines. You'll be expected to create and rank beatmaps by a specified date, so if you're not comfortable working with deadlines, this might not be for you.
  • Not every beatmap is used in a video showcase. Sometimes multiple mappers create maps for the same artist, so not everyone gets the spotlight, but every map completed on time will still be showcased in the artist's announcement news post!

The next round of Featured Artist showcase beatmaps will be coordinated very soon, so be ready!

Mapping contest tools

How do you create a mapping contest? How do you anonymize beatmap submissions? How do you judge mapping contests without stone age spreadsheets? Where does anyone even find mapping contests?

Mapping contests have always faced systemic problems. The new Mappers' Guild contest listing aims to solve them.

This system aims to act as a central hub for mapping contests.

If you're a mapper, this helps you to...

  • Find all active mapping contests
  • Browse previous community mapping contests

Honestly speaking, this system is much more useful for contest creators. If you're a contest host, this helps you to...

This system also offers Mappers' Guild points for beatmaps that exclusively use Featured Artist content:

  • Hosting a contest: 10 points
  • Submitting a valid entry: 5 points
  • Screening a contest: 1 point
  • Judging a contest: 1 point

Words suck. Explore the Mappers' Guild contest listing for yourself and see if you're interested in long-overdue mapping contest organization!

Guest difficulty system changes

A contentious part of the Mappers' Guild has always been its admission requirements. For those unfamiliar, you need 3 ranked maps to create maps and earn rewards through the guild.

This was silently changed recently!

While you still need 3 ranked maps to host mapsets in the guild, guest difficulties can come from any mappers, regardless of how many ranked maps they have. Once a user reaches 3 ranked maps, any points they've earned from guest difficulties will be retroactively applied.

This sounds like nonsense to anyone who's not familiar with the Mappers' Guild already, we know. In summary, the guild is now more accessible, and we just wanted to let you know!

Major contributors

The guild has been extremely active since our last home page update. 750+ new Mappers' Guild beatmaps have been ranked and 160+ Mappers' Guild quests have been completed.

There's absolutely no way we could highlight every beatmap/quest, but we can shout out some of the Mappers' Guild's top contributors. Each of these users contributed 5 or more ranked beatmaps since November 2020:

User Modes Beatmaps Ranked Difficulties Ranked
eiri- osu!, osu!taiko 25 110
Hivie osu!, osu!taiko 17 96
Faputa osu!mania, osu!taiko 16 87
Hinsvar osu! 17 85
Jemzuu osu!catch 14 76
HEAVENLY MOON osu!taiko 20 71
FAMoss osu!mania 16 63
Niva osu! 12 47
duski osu!taiko 13 44
Lasse osu! 7 42
Nelly osu!catch 8 40
Cynplytholowazy osu!taiko, osu! 7 37
JBHyperion osu!catch 7 33
ikin5050 osu!taiko 10 31
-Aqua osu! 6 29
Spectator osu!catch 6 28
Capu osu!taiko 5 28
Kukkai osu!catch 5 28
Deif osu!catch 5 25
Jaltzu osu!taiko 8 25
Strategas osu! 5 23
DakeDekaane osu!taiko 5 23
GIGACHAD osu!catch, osu!taiko 5 22
Nao Tomori osu!, osu!taiko 5 21
Secre osu!catch 9 18
SMOKELIND osu!, osu!taiko 10 17
Cris- osu! 5 14
Axer osu!taiko 6 14
elicz1 osu! 5 13
Daletto osu!catch, osu!taiko 5 12
PandaHero osu! 5 11
Ph0eNiiXZ osu!taiko 5 11
Razor Sharp osu!catch 5 9
Heaxys osu!taiko 5 9
ItsWinter osu! 6 7

Thanks to everyone here (and everyone else who's done anything in the guild) for hard-carrying osu!'s steady supply of Featured Artist content.

It's crazy to think the Mappers' Guild has been around for nearly 5 years AND somehow hasn't been sent to the hall of retired-osu!-community-projects.

If you're a mapper, you've helped keep this running, and I sincerely appreciate it.



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yay medals

wait I can get this medal by ranking 3 maps??? When can I get the next medal tho..? O_O

me when new medal

Kinda sad that the top 8 is just consisting of GMT/NAT/BN/Former BNs and rest of the list also consists of lots of them
Wished MG would try to think of ways to switch the system around so that non-priviliged also get a fair shot at this cool system

FAMoss AnimeStyle

I was not a bn when I do mg thingy, I have been in bng recently!

Shurelia AnimeStyle


Krimek Shurelia

no u

Nao Tomori AnimeStyle

I think the actual reason is simply that people that are willing to put in an extremely high amount of time to contributing to the game are more likely to both become BN and contribute to projects like this. Most experienced mappers that want to become BN can, and those that choose not to also tend not to map a lot for mappers guild.

AnimeStyle Nao Tomori

Fair point

new medals :D

mappers' guild my beloved



in luv with a ghost pack... dark cat pack... goreshit pack... foams at the mouth sewerslvt pack...

epic man 2 gothicwvlff

childish gambino pack

gothicwvlff epic man 2

who pack


i love how 3/5 of the muzz maps are by secretpipe

tilda tilda

also the gd change is great!!!

More medals :D

Medals :D

i sure hope none of the medals are bugged and that it goes unnoticed for 2 weeks before it gets fixed! would be a real shame!

more challenge packs is kinda hype ngl

all of my mapping motivation rn is to rank 3 maps and be able to do this lol

Medals :D

Something new :o

love the new gd rule, it opens up new opportunities for up-and-coming mappers. keep on doing good mappers guild

Ixcors tity

i just need 1 more... ;w;

epic man 2 Ixcors

same here

you probably see only me as a mania mapper contributing to the mappers' guild, but in the future, we will see lots of mania peeps get into this list!

RiP46 FAMoss

All hail lord BAMoss

PokeSky FAMoss

im willing to that., call me when u need my help

Xnery FAMoss

mania mg try to meet the quest deadline challenge (impossible)

epic man 2 FAMoss

mapper's guild happy end of the world set when


mapper's guild happy end of the world set when