by pishifat
We're proud to pull Hino Isuka into our ever-growing Featured Artist collection!
Ever since his beginnings in 2013, Hino Isuka has aimed to perfect his style of densely packed notes throughout high-tension and high-speed tunes. Considering this is exactly what rhythm games seek out, it's no surprise that Hino Isuka's sound has been adopted by games like maimai, CHUNITHM, Arcaea, Groove Coaster, and Muse Dash!
12 of his ultra-dense tracks have made their way to our humble circle clicking game too! Check them all out from Hino Isuka's Featured Artist listing.
It should be no surprise that Hino Isuka's style lends flawlessly to the highest degree of map difficulty. Check out how different players fare with this 8-star beatmap of Hino Isuka - Dreamin' attraction!!, then skim through the rest of what we have in store:
Play through any of these awesome maps:
The osu!mania community really likes this song. Try out any of these maps:
Take one more osu!mania map hosted by qodtjr!
Do you dislike timing beatmaps? Do you stay awake at night wondering when peppy might execute you? Hino Isuka's Featured Artist listing solves both of those problems with its pre-timed beatmap templates.
That's all we have for this week, but there's more music on the horizon! Stalk the @osugame Twitter for the details and we'll see you next Wednesday.