24 Oct 2022
Halloween 2022 Fanart Contest Voting Open
by Ephemeral

Halloween 2022 Fanart Contest Voting Open

by Ephemeral

True horror strikes again — 109 incredible entries, but only 15 votes each to go around!

The hallowed eve of the year's spookiest month is almost upon us, and it is now time to shuffle forth into the voting phase and help decide which ones will make it to the main menu.

Check out a quick preview video below (courtesy of one Mr. Fat) of what's up for the vote set to the tunes of cYsmix's Fright March, but beware, for you might encounter horrors beyond compare:

Click here to go to the voting for the Halloween 2022 Fanart Contest!

We're unexpectedly tight on time this year, so the voting will only stay open for 5 days instead of the usual 7. Make sure to get in quick and choose your favourites!

A selection from the top-voted entries will make it to the game's main menu as the Halloween 2022 Seasonal backgrounds, and their creators will also receive 3 months of osu!supporter.

The top 3 most voted entries will forever etch themselves upon their author's profiles as fancy and bespoke profile badges, too!

For the rest of us, only doom awaits as we figure out how in the heck we're supposed to vote for only fifteen out of so many incredible pieces...



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endezo Roro-san

You got a cool badge tho

results when?

Get bitches = vote

artists dont listen to the people asking you to stop drawing booba please continue to do so you will get my vote guaranteed 10000%

as a acg lover while some covers look cute

Ngl I did not expect a Breaking Bad reference

Some contestants create their artwork for featured. Some are for memes. But it all looks interesting dude

If the 727 one gets into the main menu, I will literally kill myself

furry feet glitchyminecraf

do it no balls

Arby404 glitchyminecraf

kys in-game right?

NickBro69420 Arby404


ishowspeed glitchyminecraf



reptani's entry is the best

all are so good

les goooo

Spooky times in MS Paint hits different😫 (0:32)

good luck everyone!! i hope mine gets in :-3

Really cool to see so many entries, it was hard to pick my favorites! Good luck to everyone!

Not winning. noot winning.

tity glitchyminecraf

minecraft render supremacy

Good luck everybody!

who left the dotted osu! cookie template visible in their submission?

i hate hallowen

fuck hallowen

endezo Like Nastya

Girl named halloween: 🥵

only one person keeping Taikonator alive 😭

Waltuh it's time to start farming pp

im sorry but how did bokunohikka's entry even passed to voting phase, this is literally rule34 contender??

NickBro69420 SaltyLucario

I honestly hate people like you. You just can't accept that people like different things than you and try to make people feel bad about it. I hate people like you because all you do is act like you are cool when in reality all you do is force your viewpoint on others. You don't realize that by being an entitled ass you will slowly isolate yourself to the point where you will die alone with nothing more than hate mail to keep you company in your last, painful, lonely moments on earth.

Lokidoki NickBro69420

nice ass paragraph for a person with 69 and 420 in their name, keep doing you, mr coomer

GoldenWolf NickBro69420

bro you good?

trolley NickBro69420

lmfao calm down brother u know theres other places to find images to jerk off to right

DR3AMLiKE NickBro69420

cringe, learn to read smartass

Curi0 SaltyLucario

no ecchi in my family friendly christian game

Ikram SaltyLucario

ikr holy shit lmao exactly what i thought

FauSo SaltyLucario

It looks appropriate, it's not rule34
Do not confuse

how is that big breast and that big ass appropriate in combination with a very tight clothing? like really, would you comfortably show this to your family (or to your boss at work) with "hey look what a cool artwork"? i dont think so
yeah rule34 might be a stretch but this would immediately be tagged as nsfw anywhere outside osu

oh sh*t mine one does not stand a chance xD I am NOT going to win this unfortunately....(it's too out of place to get voted on O_O)
But yeah so much good art, like 90% are top notch and then the other 10% still good, but then mine's just that one weirdo that just exists. hmmmm... :/ Well maybe the Christmas Art Contest will cheer me up a bit more.

kaedori MrMcMikey22deleted
MrMcMikey22 kaedori

the huge pumkpin one

Oh yeah here so cool arts

endezo Osu Mania Hater

Nice pfp 🥵🥵🥵

Thank you 😳


thickest one wins

that video ending tho

i didnt even watch the anime, but the chainsawman taiko was an instavote for me, its super cute

fallingsohma Araxcrow

only like two eps released anyway rn

dam so much cool arts (i dont have enough votes;-;)

gl everyone :]

I think someone should add booba restrictions to future contests

kuku Kennigsta


Kaly Kennigsta

yup, we can't post creepy stuff but we can post big boobs

Lanaxer Kaly

why not both...

ah yes, peak osu! moderation be like:

RedcXca Kennigsta


booba for the win

Xi Flashlight Krrish Bruh


Kaly Krrish Bruh


man Glitchyanimatez do be submitted a minecraft background

Great art! Good job everyone and good luck :D


RedcXca Chino_Chan

did you mean the last one in the video cuz LMAO

Roro-san RedcXca

« lmao » thanks it’s mine, and it is way better than the boober one

Rekunan Chino_Chan

order is randomized for everyone

AJBS_alexo Rekunan

wait really ?
thats genius for sure

good luck everyone


the scary one is someone forgot to remove the osu template

Kitcat qinxin ni ganyu

BRO IKR?? I saw the one person who forgot to remove the dotted osu cookie ahahgah 💦

wtf is this obessions for booba for real stop doing this

NickBro69420 Roro-san

You are the reason we can't have good things, go touch grass

Kaly NickBro69420

"go touch grass"
says the guy that wants porn i his osu! backgrounds

AJBS_alexo NickBro69420

less salty osu! player :

kuku Roro-san


pl3sm Roro-san



KimipHana qinxin ni ganyu


[Tea-] KimipHana

That also happened with meh-

qinxin ni ganyu KimipHana

same ToT

meatcanyon submit for an osu fanart contest listing when

Mysmallpony epic man 2

That would be so cool


kaedori moldeleted
mol kaedori


fowwo mol

6.022 × 10²³

mol fowwo

avoghadro my beloived


now i'm nervous........

why did i submit one

NickBro69420 qinxin ni ganyu

You did what you had to. I liked it, I also believe I wasn't the only one that liked your masterpiece.

qinxin ni ganyu NickBro69420


endezo qinxin ni ganyu

SAME 😭😭😭

is yours in the video?


is yours in the video?