by Ephemeral
True horror strikes again — 109 incredible entries, but only 15 votes each to go around!
The hallowed eve of the year's spookiest month is almost upon us, and it is now time to shuffle forth into the voting phase and help decide which ones will make it to the main menu.
Check out a quick preview video below (courtesy of one Mr. Fat) of what's up for the vote set to the tunes of cYsmix's Fright March, but beware, for you might encounter horrors beyond compare:
Click here to go to the voting for the Halloween 2022 Fanart Contest!
We're unexpectedly tight on time this year, so the voting will only stay open for 5 days instead of the usual 7. Make sure to get in quick and choose your favourites!
A selection from the top-voted entries will make it to the game's main menu as the Halloween 2022 Seasonal backgrounds, and their creators will also receive 3 months of osu!supporter.
The top 3 most voted entries will forever etch themselves upon their author's profiles as fancy and bespoke profile badges, too!
For the rest of us, only doom awaits as we figure out how in the heck we're supposed to vote for only fifteen out of so many incredible pieces...
is yours in the video?