We're launching into 2022 with a collection of updates to our older Featured Artist listings! Over 100 new songs are available. Start your next map already.
We're keeping things simple: click on an artist's name or banner to visit their Featured Artist page. All new songs are marked with a slick NEW icon.
New songs are also listed below along with any relevant ranked/loved maps and an audio preview or two. These should give you a quick impression of what's in store, but also remember that all song previews are available from each Featured Artist page!
Relaxing electronic mastermind Aiobahn steps in with their two newest songs! Check them out for yourself:
Famed for their high-tempo gothic rock sound, Ariabl'eyeS comes in hot with 15 more songs on their listing! This artist is practically a classic in the osu! community, so if you somehow haven't heard of them yet, now's the time to jump in with one of these new songs.
For good measure, listen to a couple songs too:
Surprising absolutely nobody, 23 songs from Camellia's newest and vaguely osu!-related album U.U.F.O. are here to stay. Experience music that's inspired by osu! figures like Toy, Aireu, and BTMC:
Slurp up these tunes:
Running back into the gothic rock realm, ELFENSJoN dropped a new album just a week ago featuring vocals from the legendary Hanatan/YURiCA! All the songs are up for grabs, so pick them up while supplies last (which is forever):
A humble batch of two new tracks are available from one of our oldest Featured Artists: Fractal Dreamers! Give some love to these collaborative orchestral/electronic gems.
Bringing Japanese folk metal to the forefront yet again, GYZE returns with two new ninja-themed tracks:
Singlehandedly raising the skill ceiling for osu!'s finger control limits, II-L follows up with a whole 12 new tracks, filling out a few of their older albums and introducing a new track from the community-run tournament GTS:
Jun Kuroda's additional 6 songs are a perfect fit for anyone yearning for a classic rhythm game sound. Experience all of them for yourself (and if you're feeling creative, start mapping one!):
Speaking of rhythm games, Reku Mochizuki steps up to the plate with a quick 3 tracks with more hardcore leanings than any other artist on this list:
Release Hallucination's newest 3-track EP joins our Featured Artist library. If you're in the mood for awesome J-rock/metal marathons, we can guarantee one of these songs will be perfect for you.
You're seeing things correctly. We've picked up 11 hyper-intense electronic tracks from seatrus. Eat them up:
Vocalist extraordinaire Sennzai is up to bat. Sporting 5 new tracks with involvement from producers across the rhythm game scene, Sennzai's newest album RedemptioN is built for instant osu! classics.
Doujin J-rock group Symholic is here with glimpes of both new and old. On the new side, there're 4 songs from the unit's newest album, plus a 5th metal-focused oldie from the group's main producer (a.k.a. Paspal).
As if their listing wasn't already packed, UNDEAD CORPORATION is back with 3 more metal sensations, conveniently paired with instrumental versions!
Topping off our Featured Artist additions is Zekk! From solo works to collaborations with other major talents, this batch of songs is anything but repetitive. Listen through each to find your next mapping masterpiece.
osu!'s New Year's resolution is to provide you with an endless supply of awesome new music to use in your circle clicking endeavours. It's safe to say we're already on the path towards achieving that.
Of course, this means we'll be diving back into our usual twice-per-week new Featured Artist announcements starting this Wednesday!
Until then, get started on your maps already. We'll see you soon.
T Rollin'g