21 Dec 2022
New Featured Artist: nyankobrq
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: nyankobrq

by pishifat

The one and only nyankobrq strides into our Featured Artist library!

nyankobrq isn't your ordinary electronic producer. Alongside his super catchy solo instrumental works, he's also a rapper in the unit nyankobrq & yaca, which you might've already heard from twinkle night (feat. somunia)!

5 delicious tracks (including the one above) are pre-timed and ready for mappers to bite into. Check 'em out on nyankobrq's Featured Artist listing!

Haven't heard nyankobrq's music yet? Use your circle-clicking instincts and click anything on this article. It'll lead to nyankobrq somehow. We promise.

nyankobrq & yaca - twinkle night (feat. somunia)

Explore the map that introduced nyankobrq to osu! hosted by climbx3145!


nyankobrq - Snorkel

Or check out this brand-new map hosted by Ogura Yui!


nyankobrq - Hammer


nyankobrq's Featured Artist listing has something you're looking for. We won't tell you what it is, but it's there. It's up to you to find it. (Hint: it's shaped exactly like a beatmap template)

We have ONE more artist planned for this year — a gift from the osu! team to you. You've been asking for this one for a while, so keep tabs on the @osugame Twitter. You won't want to miss this.

Stay tuned.



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will be the epic "HALLEY LABS"

Indomi-chan coolishic

ft. Renard, TQBF, Kitsune^2, Kitcaliber, and others

coolishic Indomi-chan


surely next featured artist isn't dragonforce

oh yeah my favorite song twinkle night

eyyyyy lezzgoooo nyaaa

New Featured Artist: Down
Edit: nope it's the world execute me one

coolishic Indomi-chan

not the down syndrome which my classmates used the word to mock me

epic man 2 coolishic

tell them they look like syndrome from the incredibles

mouse only

Im the next FA :D

coolishic Papifernan3


Papifernan3 coolishic

nope :(


my prediction for last fa of the year is the quick brown fox (i mean.... you could call it a gift to a decade+ old map, right?)

"Various Artists" FA? they put out some bangers

Niva ITotallyGetThat


my bet the next FA is gonna be either Unknown Artist or Various Artists👀

the next featured artist is not dragonforce, you're a fool if you think that

Theedoo Duskyui




ok next one is the big one
first one to guess it wins a month of supporter on me (real)

epic man 2 ThatLaggyPerson

new fa is mili lol

ThatLaggyPerson epic man 2

4 dollars saved EZ Clap

Farfocele ThatLaggyPerson

probably not TUYU

R8Spike ThatLaggyPerson


capitalQ R8Spike

ZUN places almost no restrictions on stuff people can use from his works (other than not making anime for profit nor showing the endings of his games). He wouldn’t ever take money from an FA agreement.

coolishic ThatLaggyPerson


skro ThatLaggyPerson


We also had it

[[[[[[ ThatLaggyPerson

down would be funny i think

Searchlight ThatLaggyPerson


DR3AMLiKE ThatLaggyPerson

t+pazolite would be banging fr fr

Papifernan3 ThatLaggyPerson

The Quick Brown fox

tortuguitado ThatLaggyPerson


Kinmiri ThatLaggyPerson

Probably some vocaloid artist, like DECO-27 or cosMo@BousouP, cosmo already made some songs about rhythm games but could be also Pinocchio and other
i dont have a actual guess

Arzenvald ThatLaggyPerson


Minion24 ThatLaggyPerson

ok so i'm throwing 3 guesses here

most likely: t+pazolite
not really sure, but still likely: Demetori
most unlikely: Dragonforce

Molly Sandera Minion24

t+pazolite is the least likely because he has distaste for community based rhythm games

epic man 2 ThatLaggyPerson

either laur, psyqui, fox stevenson or t+pazolite

Constantine epic man 2

oh fox makes sense (huge tbh)

capitalQ ThatLaggyPerson

PSYQUI - actual guess
other reasonable guesses: t+pazolite, Laur, lapix, Feryquitous, or Demetori (or Halozy, Yuuhei Satellite, ShinRa-Bansho, or another touhou circle in that vein)
if we are being so ambitious then the sky is the limit. any of TUYU, Yorushika, Dragonforce (FA when?), or idk some other large, popular j-pop or western rock/metal artist that historically has seemed unreasonable to get signed to an FA

edit: well shoot, all wrong

Lemonv2 capitalQ

honestly tuyu or yorushika would be so hype

-Kori ThatLaggyPerson

smash mouth

AncuL ThatLaggyPerson

dragonforce or else




areyouready Papifernan3


