by pishifat
A truckload of new Monstercat tracks have been delivered to our Featured Artist collection. Come check what's new!
We're going off-script today. Usually we showcase a new Featured Artist every Wednesday and Saturday, but we have a ton of new Monstercat tunes to throw at you, and almost all of them come from different artists.
Instead of creating a bunch of Featured Artist listings with 1 song each, we decided to slam all 16 new songs onto the Monstercat listing!
For convenience, here's a full list of every newly added tune:
Curious how these songs translate to circle clicking? Check out this video highlighting a few popular maps from the list above (or if you're more of a hands-on person, play the maps for yourself!):
Experience this visual spectacle hosted by Elite Storyboarder VenerableNyanta!
Enjoy this massive collab marathon hosted by DeRandom Otaku!
Add fruit to your diet by playing this osu!catch map hosted by WildOne94!
Bash drums to this osu!taiko map hosted by Ulqui!
Play through this full difficulty spread hosted by Come[Back]Home!
Or play through this other full difficulty spread hosted yet again by Come[Back]Home!
Try playing this marathon hosted by Marmowka or this harder marathon hosted by Ion!
Relive osu! history with this symmetry-based map hosted by Nyukai!
Try out this map hosted by Hantrik!
And here's one more osu!catch map hosted by WildOne94!
Check out this osu! map hosted by Fursum or this osu!catch map hosted by -Ken!
Play this osu! x osu!taiko mapset hosted by Secretpipe!
Or experience this osu! map hosted by RyoKazuka!
As always, be sure to check out the Monstercat listing for pre-timed templates of every new song!
In case you somehow haven't noticed, we've been announcing Featured Artists with Monstercat every 3 weeks since April.
As of today, there's only one more artist release remaining.
Will new Monstercat songs make a return later down the line? Stay tuned to find out. Until then, we'll continue seeing you every Wednesday and Saturday with our usual Featured Artist drops!