9 Nov 2022
Featured Artist Track Updates: Monstercat
by pishifat

Featured Artist Track Updates: Monstercat

by pishifat

A truckload of new Monstercat tracks have been delivered to our Featured Artist collection. Come check what's new!

We're going off-script today. Usually we showcase a new Featured Artist every Wednesday and Saturday, but we have a ton of new Monstercat tunes to throw at you, and almost all of them come from different artists.

Instead of creating a bunch of Featured Artist listings with 1 song each, we decided to slam all 16 new songs onto the Monstercat listing!

For convenience, here's a full list of every newly added tune:

  • 7 Minutes Dead - The Follower
  • Astronaut - Champions (feat. Harry Brooks Jnr)
  • Dirtyphonics & Sullivan King - Sight Of Your Soul
  • Eminence & Soulero - Invisible (feat. Mari-Anna)
  • Glacier - Neos
  • Julian Calor - You Might Get Lost
  • Melano - On Fire
  • Pixel Terror - Contra (feat. Sara Skinner)
  • Rogue - Dreams (feat. Laura Brehm)
  • Seven Lions & Echos - Cold Skin
  • Slushii - LUV U NEED U
  • TwoThirds - Breathe
  • TwoThirds - Bring It Back
  • Varien - Valkyrie (feat. Laura Brehm)
  • WRLD - By Design
  • Zero Hero - Bass Drop

Curious how these songs translate to circle clicking? Check out this video highlighting a few popular maps from the list above (or if you're more of a hands-on person, play the maps for yourself!):

Pixel Terror - Contra (feat. Sara Skinner)

Experience this visual spectacle hosted by Elite Storyboarder VenerableNyanta!


7 Minutes Dead - The Follower

Enjoy this massive collab marathon hosted by DeRandom Otaku!


Glacier - Neos

Add fruit to your diet by playing this osu!catch map hosted by WildOne94!


Zero Hero - Bass Drop

Bash drums to this osu!taiko map hosted by Ulqui!


Astronaut - Champions (feat. Harry Brooks Jnr)

Play through this full difficulty spread hosted by Come[Back]Home!


Dirtyphonics & Sullivan King - Sight of Your Soul

Or play through this other full difficulty spread hosted yet again by Come[Back]Home!


Eminence & Soulero - Invisible (feat. Mari-Anna)

Try playing this marathon hosted by Marmowka or this harder marathon hosted by Ion!


Melano - On Fire

Relive osu! history with this symmetry-based map hosted by Nyukai!


Julian Calor - You Might Get Lost

Try out this map hosted by Hantrik!


WRLD - By Design

And here's one more osu!catch map hosted by WildOne94!


Seven Lions & Echos - Cold Skin

Check out this osu! map hosted by Fursum or this osu!catch map hosted by -Ken!


TwoThirds - Breathe

Play this osu! x osu!taiko mapset hosted by Secretpipe!


TwoThirds - Bring it Back

Or experience this osu! map hosted by RyoKazuka!


As always, be sure to check out the Monstercat listing for pre-timed templates of every new song!

In case you somehow haven't noticed, we've been announcing Featured Artists with Monstercat every 3 weeks since April.

As of today, there's only one more artist release remaining.

Will new Monstercat songs make a return later down the line? Stay tuned to find out. Until then, we'll continue seeing you every Wednesday and Saturday with our usual Featured Artist drops!



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pogu as always

Congrats to my man Nyanta!

when mau5trap?


Wow, this is huge! Thanks!

I'm waiting for epic tech maps.


I luv u

everytime i hear monstercat I only think of rocket league AHHHHHHHHH

idc about anything just where is the god damn ctb change

what the fuck


Holy this is huge! I don't listen to the guys music but man what an accomplishment it is to have Monstercat as a FA.

roblox monstercat 🤡🤡🤡


not a huge fan of the fact that the only ones that do get fa approval are the ones already mapped, it doesn't give me much hope that bossfight's updated FA listing will have every song from the start of monstercat to now cause rn hes one of the best uncaged producers period

They said in this post that 1 more monstercat FA post will come (like a season finale), maybe they'll have your favorite monstercat artist! though i was hoping for lil hank FA....

They will probably add more songs in the future, monstercat certainly have that premium FA feel and are p big, so I can imagine it being expensive.
Getting songs that are already mapped prevents copyright strikes on those, it's a good choice imo

god please someone map by design, i need another monstercat song to waste my life on

Hell yeah Pixel Terror! 🔥🔥




obsidia when?

breathe <3

AJT Mismagius

Map It
BD V Is For Era revived

twitter post gone o_o

meow :3c

ok seriously where tf is the ctb star change

a bit anxious over the single 7md track before 7md's standalone announcement lol

"Instead of creating a bunch of Featured Artist listings with 1 song each" well fuck

and it's not even the divide 💀

less go

Where Supernova? (aka Linus Tech Tips intro)

Cybahh AnimeGamezCze




pixel terror, nice



hi i am lon

Marmowka Fursum

hi i am marmowka

slushii love to see it



flashback intensifies

When thefatrat?

[[[[[[ Dovakin Billie

not fa yet

Vulkin [[[[[[


