by pishifat
Nile rises from the depths as our latest Featured Artist.
Emerging in the mid-90's with an unexpected fusion of technical death metal and ancient Middle Eastern melodies, Nile is a 4-piece band who has been generating hits for longer than the average osu! player has been alive.
8 mystical wonders can be discovered from Nile's Featured Artist listing.
It doesn't take a mapping connoisseur to realize Nile's music is best suited to difficult beatmaps. See how Mismagius handles this 260 BPM stream map with his unique tapping style, and use that inspiration to design a map of your own!
Check everything out:
Play through the map from the video above hosted by Platnuu!
Degrade your fingers with this osu!taiko beatmap hosted by Axer!
Brute force your way through this osu!taiko map hosted by Genjuro!
And here's one more osu!taiko map hosted yet again by Genjuro!
For more musical treasures, dive into the tombs of Nile's Featured Artist listing. Best of luck on your mapping journey.
If your ears are seeking more content, the @osugame Twitter might be your new best friend. Grab a seat and continuously refresh the page until our next Featured Artist shows up.
See you next week!