by pishifat
Surpass all limits with our newest Featured Artist Archspire!
The term "tech mapping" is usually reserved for electronic rhythm game tunes, but Archspire is here to shift the paradigm. This technical death metal band showcases extraordinarily complicated rhythms with skull-vibrating note density, putting them in a position beyond comparison.
5 tracks from their breakthrough album Relentless Mutation are up for grabs from Archspire's Featured Artist listing.
Wondering what all the hype is about? Witness how Archspire's sound translates to mapping through Archspire - A Dark Horizontal in this video, then explore the rest of what's available:
Check out the map from the video above hosted by Blood9!
Try something a bit easier with this osu! set hosted by Blood9 or this osu!taiko set hosted by LZD!
If inflicting repetitive strain injury to thousands of people is somehow on your bucket list, Archspire's Featured Artist listing might be the place to go. Not that we'd endorse that, of course. You're the weirdo here.
To balance out the extremeness of Archspire, our next Featured Artist will be the calmest one we've ever brought aboard. Keep a bookmark on the @osugame Twitter for any news about that and we'll see you next week.