2 Nov 2022
New Featured Artist: happy30
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: happy30

by pishifat

From composing circles in the editor to composing his own songs, happy30 joins our Featured Artists!

You might not know happy30 as a musician yet, but you're most definitely familiar with happy30 as a legendary osu! mapper.

Whether it's fame from multi-million play beatmaps like Demetori - Emotional Skyscraper ~ World's End or infamy for death spinners, happy30 is bound to be somewhere in your beatmap library. He's been mapping since 2009, and somewhere between then and now, he's expanded his connection to music into song production!

Try your hand at any of the 6 songs from happy30's Featured Artist listing, including the full As the wind blows EP designed specifically for osu!.

That's enough reading. You want to click things and hear noises. Start by clicking this big rectangle (also known as a video) showcasing osu!(lazer)'s new Freeze Frame mod on one of happy30's new tunes, then click through the rest of the beatmaps and previews below:

happy30 - You spin my world

Check out the map from the video above hosted by Kyouren!


happy30 - As the wind blows

Or try playing this beatmap created by the musician himself!


happy30 - Relentless

Check out this artist x mapper collaboration featuring PandaHero and happy30!


If you're a mapper, you already know to visit happy30's Featured Artist listing for the rest of the conveniently pre-timed songs. If you're not a mapper, you're lying to yourself.

More music is on the horizon, so keep your ears attached to the @osugame Twitter for all the details. We don't know how that works, but we'll let you figure it out. See you soon.



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This took long enough damn


my TWO BRAIN CELL cannot function when i saw the FREEZE MODE


real happy30

was about time


-Aku fanzhen0019


Just spin faster

Its man who make masterpiece

woah i know this player, who mapped ivaltek, masterpiece, Shelter and his own song, so cool

I don't care if it's a simulation, it's pretty nice ;P

wtf real happy30

Blight-kun Not Jeef

I want you by Savage Garden pfp W

w h a t


Lesjuh next

i still hate happy30 mapstyle but holy shit his music is a certified fucking banger :D

lfj and goldenwolf is much better in mapping imo

Neto Houraisan47

happy30 is probably one of the most important mappers of all time. He's the one that popularized the foundation of mapping outside of the grid/symmetry/iNiS style, polishing the whole idea of mapping based on "flow" instead of visuals. (I know there were others, this is just for simplification).

So yeah, might not be the best comment, but since you've joined in 2021, it's understandable.

-Aku Neto

also, them hating on happy30's style doesn't disregard their maps being important

for example I bet a lot of people would call Sotarks' maps generally bad, but hate it or love it his mapping has had a massive influence on mapping as a whole

(happy30 & Sotarks are very different, that was just the first example I could come up with, pls no attack me)

GoldenWolf Houraisan47

I highly respect happy30's mapping, it has so many interesting ideas around flow and emphasizing the important bits of a song, it inspired me a lot back in the days and I don't think I'd have been much of a mapper if it weren't for his maps and the songs he's mapped

Houraisan47 GoldenWolf

yepyep flow aim is just everywhere in happy30's maps T^T

Yessssss that's awesome


happy30? wth?


now this is epic



what ever happened to happy29?

Happy_24 Windows Me

they skipped a few

-Aku Happy_24


Congrats happy!


I've been waiting 2 years omg congrats Jordi


Finally <3

CZNET0 Artist

As the wind blows


we're not going to include happy30's best hit?

Rikuka Saturnalize


about time!


uraboroshi fa…..

I genuinely thought happy was already featured some time ago




lets goooooo


does that mean 7_7 FA could be possible? 👀

epic man 2 Greenshell

imagine if his fa listing is mostly bootlegs/edits of famous osu songs from other fa listings 🤔

Shiraya Sayuki Greenshell


oh actually excuse me what?

matrix has been broken


Im happy

Wow what a legend player


Wow what a legend player