↑↑: current big challenge's stacked/Hiatus ranked diffs. ↑: last run's amount of SS grinded †: current qualified maps ‡: current bubbled (1st nom) maps
Name: Luciano [size=85](like the #1 NL player) Age: 19 Bday: July 3rd. something: I'm just a humble guy who likes to plays this game everyday and trying to find fun out of it.[/size]
-Kromiya- (2016): One of my first and best friends, you gave me the motivation to achieve a 6* pass and started to play and farm SS in osu!catch 3 years later, I remember very well the golden age where we often talked, played multis, etc. Thank you so much.
_MMMMMM_MMMMMM_ (2017 - 2021): A very trustful friend, you've given me the inspiration/knowledge to make my own taiko gimmick maps, until I managed to create one of 31 minutes. You're one of the very few people who managed to understand some of my problems when I was a teenager, I hope you do well with your personal career.
Asami Shimoda (2016 - 2017): Another great friend we talked to and played multis often when my best friends stopped playing in 2017; Thanks to you, I found out more about the solutions of the hush-hush achievements and waking up my great interest about it. For now you stopped playing and you're with your life. I will always remember you.
KazaraX (2021): I can see your great potential in taiko but they underestimated you so much, I didn't; I'm impressed by your plays (you even outranked me and won in a 1v1 with me once haha). I hope you come back one day, you've earned my respects.
_Doodle_ (2018 - today): The #1 ARG of taiko. You've always understood and supported me even when you were not here until today. You also mentioned me in your userpage omg. One day I'll be a god in taiko like you.
JoshEco4 (2022 - today): Although it seems strange that you're here, since the first time we met, you've always supported me when I played again and I was slowly progressing during taiko ppv3 until the rework happened, at that moment I started to progress very quickly and you were excited about my scores. You're the best man, thanks for it.
Erowdi (2022 - today): You appeared out of nowhere when I was trying to rank a map. Your support has mattered to me even when I thought I would never make it, now thanks to that I was able to rank a map, a goal that I always wanted to have.
skolodojko (2023 - today): From being a secret admirer in 2021 to being a great friend in 2023, he saw how I managed to surpass my enormous goals, he was surprised by one of my best taiko plays and I always loved his maps when I was returning to taiko in 2022. We always laughed at the memes we send on Instagram. I hope you come back one day, you were a great friend.
Nizlish (2023 - today): A mutual inspiration; I really loved his scores on the first days I was playing catch in 2019 but I couldn't find the perfect time to talk about it. After some time and a few personal legendary SS's we finally met and couldn't stop giving compliments until today. Such actions excited me too much despite being a humble player - he deserves being here for being extremely kind. Thank you for the compliments.
aaron91937 (2024 - Today): You may have a silly personality, but I admire your determination so much like fc'ing marathons in taiko and trying to SS everything in catch. You really surprised me when you were discovering gimmicks and fc'ing them. I've never thought someone may took inspiration from me.
eww (2022 - Today): Another secret admirer knowing me in my first years (2019). Appearing out of nowhere, you gave me genuine compliments about my taiko skills while I was returning to the gamemode. With only being here you're really a part from my osu! history. I've never thought that one day I had to save you when you were at the lowest point of your life (even crazier for the fact that I was 5 years younger than you). Now that you've quitted osu! for your own good. I really hope that you irl life gets better from now on. Grazie di tutto, eww. ily bro. AND I'LL BE FOREVER GRATEFUL FOR THIS ILLUSTRIOUS DRAWING AFTER TWC 😭😭😭😭
These are all the tournaments that I've joined and remember
2020 Advanced Global Taiko Showndown 2020 (taiko) Argentina B (ft. Arnon (C), -Senshi-, Tapi & juan736): Group Stage
2021 LordEnder Global Taiko Showndown 2021 (taiko) Big pp gaming inc (ft. -Senshi- (C), ETHN, kamaboko117, 5_5, Ethan_Taikotris & Oceanboy98): Losers QuarterFinals North South America Taiko Tournament 2021 (taiko) Losers RO16
2022 Tournament Hiatus
2023 Squad Global Taiko Showndown 2023 (taiko) we are speed's Team Captain (ft. JoshEco4, _somet & Hotman): Losers Quarterfinals Global Taiko Malaysian Showdown 2023 (taiko) 2 noobs in a 2v2's Team Captain (ft. HenNEET) Losers Finals Last Man Standing 3 we are speed's Team Captain (ft. JoshEco4, _somet, Arityle, hornedlove & dots_ (taiko)): Losers Semifinals 4 Catch World Cup 2023 (catch) Team Argentina (ft. wlfgrl (C) & caroline870): Qualifiers Taiko Suiji Cup Summer 2023 (taiko) the poopshitters (ft. Briesmas (C), ImChro, mizki_mlnx, megalovania lol, verosikachan, Ryukishi & Haryume): Losers Quarterfinals Rapid Monthly osu! Tournament #85 (osu!std) Quarterfinals 5AC Qualifiers Rapid Monthly osu! Tournament #86 (std) RO32 Last Man Standing O (taiko)resigned
2024 Rapid Monthly osu! Tounament Invitational #22 (std): Losers Round 1 osu!taiko World Cup Team Argentina (ft. ZelLink (C), _Doodle_, -Senshi-, Darxad & SUPERNOOB20) (taiko): Losers Quarterfinals Project Prism (taiko): RO16 (FF'd) Taiko Team Festival (taiko) "We are Team 31" (ft. PetitMarcianito (C), K a y o k o & _Aishiteru: Losers Quarterfinals
Zarlo Catch Cup Season 1 (catch): Top 5 (Losers Finals) ZCC All-Stars: fish want me, women fear me (ft. Kael_DK (C), LaviSorrow, Maitoo, Pawelek12 & MegaMix): Winner team (8-7)
Rapid Monthly osu! Tournament #94 (std): Round 2 4 digit Catch World Cup 2024 (catch):Not selected
SETUP Screen: Samsung SyncMaster 943NWX 1440x900 Keyboard: RedDragon Visnu K561R-1 80% Outemu Blue Switches (it's my first time having a mechanical keyboard so shut up) Mouse: Logitech G203 Blue mid-high DPI Tablet: Wacom One CTL-472 | Tablet Area
IN-GAME SETTINGS Res: Fullscreen, 1280x720 (taiko) No Hit-lightning No SB No Video OD bar: None, Hit (taiko) 2.5x size Volume: 100% Gen | 40-50% Music | 100% Sound Cursor Size: 0.5x Autosize Sens: 1,75x No clicks No mouse wheel
While starting my osu!career, one day when I was searching Five Night at Freddy's maps and I find 2, one of them was a ctb map. That gamemode was new to me and I suddenly know the controls (but I didn't know about dashes and hyperdashes). Before my house-moving I SS'd every 1* map I had (with PF) BUT I played that map and miss a droplet everytime, so I leave it to keep going.
7 Months later I saw my friend's top plays (All of them was SS) that surprised me and then I had the Idea of SS maps. But I didn't want because ctb isn't my default gamemode.
On July 2019 (before I get internet connection) I was trying to play ctb, I did a pass of the 12 min marathon set Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God Only Knows -Secrets of the Goddess-. After I get Internet connection, I started to play Cup maps with SS (Without PF fortunately) I played some maps with HR, even SS a 5min map. During Winter Solstice I decided to clean my old plays. (2016)
While keep going I reached a Limit of SSs (<2.5*) and then I SS'd every JBHyperion maps (Even Halozy - 143 (extended mix).) After I finished, I tried with MBomb, and Ascendance (I played every map that isn't Ascendance)
In October 11th I should take a break during my progress and dedicate some time of taiko and std. The break last almost a month (11/10 - 04/11)
On December 10th I SS'd brothel. - timmy. [gangsta.] that cause to hit 100% acc (one of my most wished goals) before go to my brother's graduation. I lasted 5 hours, because I accidentally did a pass in saradisk - 220 - Kumano [Ascendance's Rain], that cause lose 00,02% acc. 3 day later, I tried to pass it with an A rank (possibly SS), but I accidentaly miss 2 droplets, that makes my first 4* FC in ctb (that make me lost 00,02% again).
Being in a few days of 2019 I had a way to end the year well, SSing All xmas maps (09/12) and the remaining ones, (15/12) I always woke up early to do it. In December 24th I tried to wake up at 6 AM for the 5th time at year (started in 2014) and I bought a Month of osu!supporter (check the box)
December 30th. I SS'd one of the most maps (for me) nano - Nevereverland [ExGon's Salad] (this map it's 2.43* (3.35* with HR only 3 players did it) AR6 and 4:42 minutes long) and waiting until the last day of the year. December 31st. I was waiting for this, 2 hours left I SS'd happy30 - let me smile again [memories] the last map remaining and that did complete one of my biggest chalenges ever.
2020 Starts, and I keep going to my progress, I did an advanced challege. SS every 2.5* to 2.7* map and I did it on 10 days. And then keep going this time to 2.7* and 2.75* and 2.75* and 3* that was tortuous because some maps are hard. I finished with the legendary map Halozy - 143 (extended mix) with an SS in the Platter diff (thanks hyperion)
In 2014, a channel called ItsJerryAndHarry uploaded a new video called '' If Videogames Were in Minecraft Part 10 '' and in that video it was osu!
I Search it in YouTube of that game and i didn't watch the videos. (because I don't care xd)
When 2016 began, a 10-year-old boy (me) was bored of playing Terraria (he only had that game) after defeating Moon Lord, he no longer had another game to play, he watched plays from other games, most of those games it was from his childhood
In February I was bored and I didn't know what to do to entertain. In the middle of February, his brother was watching one of the first anime he has ever seen. (Detective Conan)
I had started watching the anime and had come very far (episode 156? And counting)
In March, the school has started and was 5th grade of primary school and when he arrived home, he had lunch, he lay down in his bed, watching the anime and going for a 3 hour nap
In April (04/14/2016) it was his brother's birthday (12 years old) and his other brother wanted to play osu! Then I downloaded it and all the brothers wanted to play the game.
There I found the game, I play it daily, it does not matter if I was disconnected I always played the same.
Until today...
If I didn't stay in osu! for one Day everything will be L O S T It means i'll no longer play osu! if it happens
Reach 1000pp COMPLETE 15/03/2017 Reach 2000pp COMPLETE 31/10/2017 Reach 3000pp COMPLETE 24/09/2018 Reach 4000pp COMPLETE 27/02/2019 Reach 5000pp COMPLETE 14/11/2019 Reach 6000pp COMPLETE 12/01/2022with a heartbreaking choke Reach 7000pp COMPLETE 06/07/2024 Being Country #1000 COMPLETE 16/05/2018 (i don't remember when was the last time about being #1000 before but meh) Being #500 Country COMPLETE 03/02/2019 Get 25 200pp plays 25/25COMPLETE 02/04/2019 Get #1 place on a map COMPLETE 21/02/2019FUCK YOU THESHADOW Obtain 1000 Silver SS!??!?? Clean my A, B and C ranks in every gamemode Get a +250pp Play COMPLETE 13/07/2019 262pp Obtain a digital tablet COMPLETE 26/11/2022 Get 100% in osu!catch COMPLETE 10/122019AASIODUFHSAIODFBSIDFGBISDF RIP IT'S BACK Being watched by others 100 times COMPLETE 17/05/2019 Reach Level 100 COMPLETE 16/06/2020 Reach 1000pp in CtB COMPLETE 12/08/2019 Hit 100 replays watched in a month COMPLETE 31/12/2020 THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO FINISH THE YEAR (2020)
May 10th. 2022 1k replays watched in std Thank you all <3
Atreevete 1 Month. 15/11/2018 osu!taiko Argentina 1st Anniversary giveaway winner Praw4 Months. 21/02/2020 Completed one of his challenges (lucky plays) on his userpage Erowdi 2 months. 14/04/2023 The best gift ever for my 7 years in this game, thank you. Glassive 1 month. 03/04/2024 gambling compensation :trol: Masaru 2 Months. 04/05/2024 supporter upgrade 🔥🔥🔥🔥 GreatMCGamer6 Months. 04/07/2024 THE BEST LATE-BDAY GIFT EVER AAAAAAAAAAAA taperruiii1 YEAR 06/10/2024 WHAT THE FUUUUUUUU