this pack is a collection of my favorite maps i've made on my favorite songs. this is pretty much the last thing i really wanted to do, so I think I'm going to take it easy from now on
i may be back from time to time to map or rank something random
Are you here for a guest difficulty?
firstly, am I open for req?: in hibernation mode, do not request
I'm pretty picky on what I GD for since it's heavily song dependent, but here are some considerations so you know whether or not I will be likely to accept your request:
i will not gd for you unless you have at least one ranked map, so don't even ask if you don't
reason: I don't like putting in the effort of making a gd and then having it grave a week later and abandoned. you may see my gds in grave sometimes, usually they are gds i offered to make regardless of whether the set gets ranked
song preferences
camellia and polyphia are almost always a yes unless A) I mapped the song already or B) you want a sub insane
most electronic stuff except for hardstyle/frenchcore/speedcore stuff that is just noise
anything funky/jazzy i'll generally be into, especially if it's alt and has a lot of blue ticks/offbeat stuff
anisongs are probably fine if they aren't super boring to map
generally i prefer to map extra>insane>normals>hard diffs whether i tolerate mapping lower diffs depends on how much i like the song + how long it is
if the song is tv-size or less than 2 mins, I usually dont mind any difficulty if the song is longer than 2 mins but less than 4 mins it really will depend on how much I like the song if the song is just below marathon length you better hope I love the shit out of it or you're not getting my gd if the song is marathon length same as above but I'll be slightly confused
for collabs, I do not mind doing collabs of any length of song, but if you want to collab a marathon it has to be a good song for me otherwise i won't be motivated
Here for something regarding mapping/my maps?
IF YOU WANT TO USE ONE OF MY MAPS FOR TOURNAMENT and you'd like to make changes to the difficulty settings or whatever you want, you can upload the map under your name with the changes as long as you delete it after it is graved, obviously with credit to the original set.
IF YOU WANT TO USE THE HITSOUNDS/MP3/TIMING FROM ANY OF MY MAPS you may do so without asking if the hitsounds/timing are not explicitly credited under someone else. If they are, you need to ask them, not me.
IF YOU WANT ME TO MAP A SONG FOR YOU please ask someone else or consult handsome/PBC commissions. I don't take requests.