Asking for a nomination: If you do, it'll be automatically denied. There's a chance I'd nominate your map after having modded it, depending on my own standards.
Asking for a guest difficulty: Preferably Rain/Overdose (osu!catch only), depending on the music, accepting requests on own accord.
Personal info
I can speak Spanish, English and German. If you need assistance don't hesitate asking me in-game or via Discord!
My roles in osu!:
February 19th 2012: Joined the Chart Assembly Team - March 18th 2015: Team got disbanded.
June 1st 2013: Joined the CtB BAT - August 21st 2014: Team got disbanded.
July 31st 2013: Joined the osu!news as Translator - Original team became inactive.
August 1st 2013: Joined the Tournament Management, later on as part of the Global Moderation Team (November 11th 2015) - June 6th 2021: Retired, my departure from the World Cups here.
August 21st 2014: Joined the Quality Assurance Team.
February 18th 2015: Winning entry of the MBC#7, earned the Elite Mapper title.
March 7th 2016: Passed the osu!standard BN test, allowed to qualify standard mapsets now.
CTB difficulties became rankable on April 2012, but there aren't still a high amount of people who map this kind of specific diffs. I hope these tips can encourage more people to map CTB!
Make sure your difficulty is fun!: 1st and most important point. If you're just placing random notes in the editor, don't expect to make a fun diff. As a mapper, you should know what's enjoyable or not!
Testplay your diff over and over: There's always a dash that must be reduced/increased, or a misplaced note. This is the only way to improve your diff to make it perfect. Nevertheless, if you don't have the ability to play it properly or you have any doubt about your map, ask an experimented CTB modder/mapper/player for help.
Feel the melody and interpret it in your map: Fill your blank canvas with your ideas. If you think a jump could fit in X point, just place it!
Streams don't have to follow always the defaut distance spacing: Experiment with them, because there are a lot of possibilities. You can make them compressed, dispersed, curved, with a positive/negative distance gradation, broken, with HDashes, etc.
Try to make a good flow as much as you can: This implies not making constant and unexpected direction changes, to make your map easier to sightread. Otherwise, it'd be very frustrating for players to learn every single spot where they have to take care.
Keep the whole map into the requested difficulty standards: The guidelines aren't discussed yet, but at least it's possible to determine already how to difference each difficulty in CTB:
Cup: Your dash button shouldn't even have to be used.
Salad: No HDashes can appear yet.
Platter: Some easy HDashes can be used with caution.
Rain: HDashes and dashes are meant to be suitable for all players.
Overdose/Deluge: HDashes and dashes are more challenging.
^ Thanks to my secret pal for the userpage banner! ^
Miles Prower (マイルス・パウアー Mairusu Pauā), better known by his nickname Tails (テイルス Teirusu), is a character, as well as the main deuteragonist in the Sonic the Hedgehog series of video games, comics, animated series and film released by Sega.
The name "Miles Prower" is a pun on "miles per hour", a reference to the famed speed of Sonic the Hedgehog. He is an eight-year old fox with two tails, hence the nickname. He is known to be Sonic's sidekick and a mechanic. He is able to use his two tails to propel himself into the air like a helicopter for a limited time. His debut was in October 16, 1992 in the 8-bit version of Sonic the Hedgehog 2; the 16-bit version was released that November.
When he was first introduced in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Tails' fur was orange. The color was changed to yellow-orange for Sonic Adventure, and later to light yellow for Sonic Heroes. In 1993 and 1995, he starred in his own games, Tails and the Music Maker for the Pico, Tails Adventure, and Tails' Skypatrol for the Game Gear. Tails is the third most popular character of the series, behind Sonic and Shadow, according to official polls.
Not that I'm gonna retire soon or whatever, but I'd like to mention the most important people who are relevant to me in any way. I tried to keep it as short as possible and I might have forgotten somebody, since it's hard to remember all the people I met since 2010. In alphabetical order:
DeathXHunter: Forgive me for my mistakes with German!
Drafura: The person who most innovate in CTB, who helps the game improve day to day. I cannot imagine all the progress we did without your help. You're just amazing.
Inamaru: Old pal, a person I always enjoy talking to. I cannot thank you enough for all your support you still give me after all these years. You're still one of the best moderators in my heart.
Krah: My little stalker. You're the future, the new generation. Keep your expectations high and fly.
Krzysiek: Quite interesting talks. You showed me how to play TAG4s, and to keep me playing with HD.
Kurai: Without you, I couldn't be what I am today. Thanks for listening to me whenever I needed it.
Loctav: I'm still trying to discover you. Let's see what I can find...
Louis Cyphre: You baka troll made me start modding seriously. You're a really cool guy nevertheless.
mikhe: Whatever people think, you're the #1 of Spain forever. I wanna play more multis with you!
Nitojgrem: Though you're not active anymore, you've been one of the best contributors in this game.
Nyan-Zapo: Ba~~ka. Enough said o3o
rubenu: My first serious rival, nemesis, whatever. I really miss playing with you.
Salwinjack: One of the most particular guys I know, who I really appreciate.
Serval: You were the first! You were the first! \:D/
Sey: An amazing experience to met you. One of the best modders I know.
Shana: My personal HR sensei!
ZHSteven: The source of my inspiration. The father of the CTB mapping. You started everything, sensei.