MC2BP I was not planning on joining TWC 2024, until you invited me to a multi session. Your encouragement initiated my ambition to take part in this tournament despite knowing that most participants are a whole level beyond me. Taiko is the few things I am decent at in life, so this opportunity has redefined how I see sports/competition in general…
Jonarwhal & Axer Axer and Jonarwhal were my first ranked map's BNs, made my time for quite a while. Their opinions showed me more aspects to taiko mapping.
DrLou I would consider DrLou almost as an inspiration for the time I played osu!mania 7k, which indirectly alluded me to various VSRG rhythm games.
AdveNt & gazimal Knew AdveNt probably through his beatmaps, so did gazimal.
D0UG Thank you for being open for advices. That promise you held meant a lot for me, especially when you replied after an entire year since we last spoke!
16 Sep 2022 Fri: First time my spread entered ranked status 16 Oct 2023 Monday: Passed Hizumi Rei feat. Meika Mikoto - Eva (Under Construction Remix) (300 bpm). I downloaded this map when I first started taiko, hoping one day I can pass it - and that day was this day. 22 Oct 2023 Sun: I have accumulated 10 followers... thank you all 31 Oct 2023 Tue: 400 kudosu 21 Dec 2023 Thu: 10,000 pp in taiko 7 Jan 2024 Sat: #1,000 ranking in taiko 7 Apr 2024 Sat: 100 friends, thank you for the mutuals too 🙏