qodtjr is pronounced "baengseok"] q = ㅂ , o = ㅐ , d = ㅇ , qod = 뱅 = "baeng" t = ㅅ , j = ㅓ , r = ㄱ , tjr = 석 = "seok" (Because of the Korean keyboard layout)
(Count only pending maps) (It may not be correct) _________________ 2022/09/21 update 1★ 1 2★ 7 3★ 14 4★ 33 5★ 103 6★ 162 7★ 141 8★ 66 9★ 14 10★ 2 11★ 1
(Calculated for each difficulty) (Rank maps and rank-oriented maps and patterns are the same (cut version or anything else), and cannot be called maps) (It may not be correct) ____________ 7K osu!Mania World Cup mappool (11map)
Finals ●goreshit - satori de pon!
Semi-Finals ●DJ Sharpnel - Tactical railroad
Finals/Grand Finals ●hino isuika - Dreamin' attraction!!(Extended) ●uma vs. Morimori Atsushi - Re End of a Dream
Please, give a warm welcome to qodtjr (also known as baengseok) and his map, hino isuika – Dreamin’ attraction!!. Being featured in the 7K osu!mania World Cup 2017 Finals/Grand Finals mappool, this map brings us a unique BMS experience with mid-high density chordstreams, light jacks and light Long Note sections during the first half. After that, we can appreciate a small break to rest our hands and prepare to the upcoming section.
If you think, the first half is hard enough, well…. The second half is almost the same, but having a noticeable density increase that will make everyone suffer, especially stamina wise. Definitely a map worth enough for Loved.
qodtjr (also known as baengseok) has been around for a few years already, being recognized due to his high-level charts, and he even managed to get one map in the Loved section back in May, which was Dreamin’ attraction!!. Well, this time, he shows up again with a similar map in terms of patterns but way shorter length-wise. This map mostly consist in chordstreams and a few jacks in some intersections, but do not be fooled by this. Even though the map is relatively short with a drain time of 2:19, it gets progressively denser as you play through the chart.
Every player who plays this should definitely keep an eye on the ending section, where the density reaches its peak, being followed by an intersection full of running-man-like jacks that could throw you off with ease. Definitely something worth enough for Loved.
community/forums/topics/837123 It's been awhile since qodtjr has made an appearance in Project Loved, and he's back with arguably his most popular map yet. satori de pon!'s “easier” difficulty is more than enough to give higher-level players a challenge. Its unique anchor-heavy chordstreaming at such a high BPM makes it one of the only speed chordstream maps at its difficulty level. Although chordstreams are more than common for qodtjr to map, it's pleasantly surprising to see him take it on in this manner. Its recently updated harder difficulty takes that same chart and layers it even further, creating that challenge scaled to the playing level of the people too inhuman to play this game. While it might seem too hard to approach at first with its underrated star rating, it’s definitely something that has made its way into multiple players’ practice routines, and is more than worthy of a leaderboard.
community/forums/topics/892035 We have another tournament chart in our hands (from the osu!mania 7K World Cup 2018), and this time it's from the very well-known qodtjr! This chart showcases dense chordstreaming at roughly 188 BPM. The chart is not particularly repetitive: we can see large chords, minijacks, pattern repetitions, musically-relevant chordtrilling, and even some LNs. This is definitely a fun chart for anyone looking for a decent challenge.
This bright and bubbly song comes with two difficulties: one being an extra diff and another an ultra diff. What both of these difficulties provide is exactly what you'd expect—large chords and dense chordstreaming with the higher diff being denser than the other. At 185 BPM, there is a fair mix between rolly and brackety chordstreams in both diffs which gets a helping of 1/8 rolls. Another point of consideration is the general increase of rigidity in the chordstreaming as the song progresses!
community/forums/topics/1445510?n=1 Cait Sith here, is a collaborative effort between Yunabi, SYISHI and qodtjr. Being a joint set, the original uploads for what you see here were separate, uploaded by both Yunabi and qodtjr respectively. These two sets rivaled each other in popularity, and so we at the Loved team reached out to both mappers to see if they would join the two together, and here we are! In the process of this, we are truly happy to bring you all the first nominations from Yunabi and SYISHI!
These maps grew to popularity quite recently and it's clear to see why. All of the diffs flow very smoothly, using varying patterns that get denser as the piano and drums build up to their climax throughout this eclectic song. There's also a focus of simple streams, hand speed, tasteful LNs, and some tricky jacks/minijacks that you'll likely not forget. To talk about qodtjr's difficulty specifically, it comes in with chordstreams which consist of doubles and triples, and it also presents some LN usage, heavy jacking and brackets. The original set by him can be found here for anyone interested.
qodtjr is making a return to the Loved section with what are arguably some of the hardest chordstream maps we've introduced yet!
We all know qodtjr for their plethora of chordstream content to make its way across the osu!mania 7K scene, and SSjoy Dan is no exception. Whether it's the incredibly dense climaxes of Fastest Crash or ANOMALY, or the consistent fast chordstreams in Longinus, every map in this pack brings a unique chordstream experience to the table. While being very difficult at varying BPMs and densities, the patterning still manages to be very straightforward and approachable if you're one of the few who are able to keep up.
If you're a 7K player looking to push your way through some incredibly tough chordstream maps, or a top player looking to push your limits, be sure to cast your vote on SSjoy Dan!
Contrasting qodtjr's last Loved nomination and this month's other rice pick, electro peaceful (akiy2344's 8bit-fuu cover) is a more approachable chordstream chart, which you might recognize from its use in Jinjin's Regular Dan 4 and last year's MWC (in the Round of 16 pool).
The patterning holds no surprises from anyone familiar with qodtjr's prolific style: consistent chordstreams with some variations and even a couple of held LNs. Will you go for the pass, the S or the SS? Whatever your goal may be, vote now for a chance to compete on a true leaderboard!
Captain's description (by -NoName-): qodtjr is back with a stamina-heavy chordstream chart in his old style.
toromi hearts 2 is similar to many entries in the Loved selection of charts of SSjoy Dan in that there is a heavy focus on brackets and stamina drain. There are two gauntlets of long, dense chordstreams with especially heavy one-hand brackets that make it difficult to keep any semblance of consistency if you do not have the stamina. However, you should not expect much after the end of the second gauntlet, as the ending of this chart is very easy in comparison.
This was a very popular chordstream chart for its high level back in the day, and therefore it would bring good legacy value to osu!mania's Loved category.
qodtjr is a very famous 7K mapper in osu!mania, and his beatmap is very helpful for players to train their skills while maintaining a certain quality. This time, we decided to nominate his Tactical railroad. This beatmap has a long history, and its Destruction difficulty was featured in the osu!mania 7K World Cup 2017 Semifinals. The beatmap as a whole is very solid for players to train their skills. The beatmap as a whole is a significant challenge to the player's stamina, and it also requires an ability to cope with the bracket-y patterns at high BPM and lower density.