Shoutout to these Tournaments10 (+) Tournaments have been agreed to use this mapset
Feel free to correct me if there's something wrong
- SEA Champion 2019 - Grand Finals (columnlock)
- 4 digit mwc 2 - Finals (nerf)
- Speed of light 2 - Finals (columnlock)
- SOFT5 - Quarterfinals (nerf)
- SEA Champion 2020 - Semifinals (nerf)
- MWC2021 - Finals / Grand Finals (columnlock + edit)
- Chinese Mania Cup 2021 - Grand Finals (columnlock)
- osu!mania LN Tournament 2 - Finals (columnlock)
- North America Mania Tournament 2021 - Grand Finals (columnlock)
- Quaver Official Tournament 2 - Round of 16 (nerf)
- And many more I guess...