by pishifat
While it's not quite right to call the HARDCORE UTOPIA albums a "Featured Artist", we're nonetheless happy to add 50 blood-pumping new tracks to our Featured Artist library!
For those out of the loop, HARDCORE UTOPIA is a set of free compilation albums organized by Kara whose goal is to showcase independent artists throughout the rhythm game scene! Their songs span across some of electronic music's most hype-inducing subgenres like UK hardcore, artcore, J-core, and much more-core.
We've snagged all that we could: 50 songs from 42 different artists that were released through HARDCORE UTOPIA's three breathtaking albums. Check it all out from HARDCORE UTOPIA's Featured Artist listing.
HARDCORE UTOPIA is no stranger to the talents behind osu! mapping. Its third album was announced alongside a bunch of beatmaps from some of osu!'s most notable mappers, perfectly demonstrating how these songs translate to rhythm games.
See what we mean for yourself:
Check out this 9 star beatmap hosted by Keqing (a.k.a. iljaaz)!
Or check out this map hosted by Realazy! Rumor has it that Realazy chose this song so people could make "Realazy Purge" puns, but you didn't hear that from us.
Experience the climax of HARDCORE UTOPIA III through this 10 minute marathon mapped by Cubby, pocket-, Realazy, and Regou!
Or experience the climax of your circle-clicking-career through this difficulty spread hosted by Mir!
Dive into HARDCORE UTOPIA's Featured Artist listing for the buttload of other songs that aren't listed above, all pre-timed and ready for mapping. (Note: one metric buttload is equal to approximately 46 units.)
osu! may not be a huge proponent of capital letters, BUT OUR ARTISTS THIS WEEK ARE. PREPARE FOR MORE CAPS LOCK THIS SATURDAY. Oh, and keep an eye on the @osugame Twitter while you're at it too.
realazy bread