18 Aug 2021
New Featured Artist: Aether
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Aether

by pishifat

Aether traverses the fog and lands in our Featured Artist roster!

Setting sails in 2013 under the alias Aether, Jason Taylor is a Canadian musician who's known for a mix of relaxing classical sounds and modern electronic concepts, all packed with a stylistic leaning towards games.

Aether is known for composing scores for games like Kingdoms & Castles and Röki as well as releases involving collaboration between talented musicians worldwide. Oh, and now he's also known for being one of osu!'s Featured Artists!

We've snagged 14 tracks for Aether's Featured Artist listing, ranging from piano pieces to electronic hits to chill beats featuring talented vocalist Veela.

Curious how osu! and Aether came to meet? Take a peek at Asphyxia's pattern-centric mapping through this video of Aether & Sizzlebird - Raccoon City (feat. Veela), then listen to the rest of the previews below once you're hooked.

Aether & Sizzlebird - Raccoon City (feat. Veela)

Check out this osu! beatmap hosted by Asphyxia (as seen in the video above!)


Aether, Tutara Peak, Zes, Lilia, Grand Pavilion - Daydream


Aether & Veela - Save Me From You


Aether - Catharsis


The rest of the songs in this batch can be found on Aether's Featured Artist listing, all pre-timed for your upcoming mapping magnum opus.

Believe it or not, we recently passed a milestone of 4000 total featured artist tracks! We're actually closer to 4250 at this point, but we hadn't actually checked until today. Regardless, it's pretty insane to think about since we only surpassed 3000 total tracks at the end of last year!

And the journey still isn't over! Our Featured Artist collection continues growing and growing, so watch the @osugame Twitter to keep up with all the news and whatnot.

See you Saturday!



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Very cool ahtem

Let's gooooo, ligit my fav artist, it's great to see him coming to osu!

no way bro i love aether lets gooo!

Now that's really cool!

more dnb nice

AETHER!!!! OMG I'm so happy! I really love Eidolon song, would be really great to have it in song list too!

aether surrender to find lumine

that good

add my genshin asia uid in dms thanks

wind blade

Where's Lumine?



Amazing stuff! Really cool music

that's sick

let's fucking go I really love Aether <3

OH MY GOD!! First featured artist ive ever been hyped about Pog!!! More DnB!



Aether Ritual

_Illustrious_ Reywateil

kkddkk dd kk kk dd kk ddddkk dd kk kk dd d kkddkk dd kk kk dd kk dd dd kk dd kk kk dd d kkddkk dd kk kk dd kk ddddkk dd kk kk dd d kkddkk dd kk kk dd kk dd dd kk dd kk kk dd d

not aethoro

i have like a quarter of this stupendously talented man's discography in my spotify playlist and for very good reason

epic man 2 Ephemeral




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